Es werden Posts vom 2022 angezeigt.
A Writer's Journey: Nepalese Dasain Festival in the German diaspora, Sch...
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A Writer's Social Engagement in Freiburg (Germany)
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UKRAINE BLUES: Destination Unknown (Satis Shroff)
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Destination Unknown (Satis Shroff) Everything went fast. They gave me a uniform Boots and a gun. They said we’re going to a manouvre- training. In an aeroplane from Moscow. Destination unknown. It was dark and we slept out. In the morning we woke up Near three big artillery guns. The terrible shelling began. We were bombing houses, Buildings, streets. My mind screamed: I don’t want to kill people, Brothers and sisters, Fathers and mothers. Not those poor, innocent children. As the war progressed I realised there were no neo-nazis We were after. My comrades filled their tanks With consumer goods We’d come to plunder. Rape and take What we wanted. No military targets in sight. Till a Javelin struck us from above. We never lived to tell And are still in Ukraine — — as ghosts. * * * URKAINE BLUES: LIES FOR RUSSIA (Satis Shroff) Which leaders said The west will be using nukes? Sergei Markov Putin’s spokesman replied: ‘Some marginal politicians.’ ...
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Late Summer in Sardinia (Satis Shroff) Baunei Base Camp (Satis Shroff) My base-camp was Baunei, A beautiful little hilly town, In the north part of the isle. I was with my two daughters Natasha and Elena, In a lovely two-storeyed house. The high monolith of Pedralonga Is a part of the limestone plateau of Baunei, Stretching from the hamlet of Santa Maria Navarrese Northward to the Cordula di Lima. Throughout the island you come across The Mediterranian macchia. A thick, aromatic plant that smells of lavender, rosemary, Wild fannel juniper and myrtle. An aromatic island, indeed. * * * The Magic of Sardinian Culture (Satis Shroff) The hills of Barbagia beckon you With the magic of Sardinian culture. It’s an archaic island With prehistorical sites. The countless Nuragic monuments and towers Bear witness to the Nuragic folk. You discover the giant graves, Fairy grottos and sacred fountains, Temples and fascinating cult-sites. You feel drawn by the magical a...
A Writer's Journey and his Social Engagement in Germany: Satis Shroff
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NORTH SEA POEMS (Satis Shroff)
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SYLT AT DAWN (Satis Shroff) You hear the waves As they splash onto the shore. You haven't opened your eyey, But you discern the cries of sea gulls, As you slowly let the sunlight Into your eyes. Ah, the reassuring rays caress your face, As you proceed to the balcony, Stretch yourself And let out cha-cha-cha, Pa-pa-pa sounds between your teeth, That you've learned While singing in your choir. A seagull with a fish in its beak Flutters by. All white and airborne, Twinkling on a blue sky. Out in the horizon, A turquoise blue trawler chugs by. HABITAT FOR THE WILD (Satis Shroff) The flora and fauna have a hard time In winter. The white mantle Of snow covers The branches, buds and barks. The owl loves winter As it takes in all Beings that move, With its keen sight. The woodpecker knows Where the larvae and insects Are hiding. It's Spring, The landscape gardeners Have chopped all the trees. Now the spur is bare, No more can I see The deer that came To greet me, To chill ...
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WAR TOURISMUS ( Satis Shroff ) Selensky has been demanding heavier weapons with long reach but the Europeans have been hesitating, showing reluctance in order not to provoke Putin. For if the Ukraine had the necessary weapons they' d have gone in the offensive and definitely given the Russians a taste of their own medicine by attacking Russian cities. The visit of the western trio is just war-tourism, doing the sights of destruction, nothing more. A lot of politicians have done this war sight- seeing tour but the result has been minimal. Due to the loss of time, Ukranians are being slaughtered, families decomated and separated, cities bombed constantly. Humans are dying and so-called Allies discuss in endless debates in Paris, Berlin, London, Brussels and Washington. Precious time is wasted and Ukranians are bleeding and crying for help.
Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 3 UK Agents Seeking Literary Fiction, Memoir, Nonf...
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Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 3 UK Agents Seeking Literary Fiction, Memoir, Nonf... : Updated 6/12/22 Here are three UK agents actively seeking clients. Rachel Mann wants children's books. Leslie Gardner is interested in...
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THE ANGST OF GLOBAL WAR (Satis Shroff) Subtitle: The Sunflowers & Poppies Grow) Putin shakes hands with veterans in Moscow. Russia should never be underestimated; Power is being mobilized as in the past World Wars. Russia has not lost the war is the tenor. The bells chime in the Kremlin like mockery for those killed. There where the soldiers lie buried In cemetaries and on the roadside, Sunflowers and poppies will grow; Orthodox crosses arranged in rows. The dead loved, drank vodka, Sang songs and now sleep, In the killing fields of Ukraine. Modern and old weapons are on display, Generals in black cabrios take the salute. A sea of smart, disciplined soldiers carrying weapons, Swords, salutes and martial music on the Red Square. It’s all about defending the Fatherland And solidarity with the soldiers. Stoltenberg message to Putin is to end the war. Bundestags_President Bär lays down a wreath in Ukraine. Eggs are thrown towards Baerbock At an election speech in Germany. Moscow’...
Zeitgeistlyrik: UKRAINE BLUES (Satis Shroff)
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ZEITGEISTLYRIK: UKRAINE BLUES (SATIS SHROFF) Contents: Zeitgeistlyrik: I HAVE A DREAM 1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff) 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) 3. A RABID MUNGO (Satis Shroff 4. MOSCOW ISOLATED (Satis Shroff) 5. CIVILIANS DIE (Satis Shroff) 6. A FOE BECOMES A FRIEND (Satis Shroff) 7. GIMME AMMO, NOT A RIDE (Satis Shroff) 8. I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff) A TZAR IS BORN (Satis Shroff) 9. MY HEART BLEEDS FOR UKRAINE (Satis Shroff) 10. PLANTS HAVE SURVIVED (Satis Shroff) 11. UKRAINE IN MY MIND (Satis Shroff) 12. PREPARING FOR THE WORST (Satis Shroff) UKRAINE BLUES I: 1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff Many Ukranian men from 18 to 60 Have given up their lives, For Mother Ukraine in the cold winter. When Spring comes, Flowers will spring in their graves. They died for freedom From a tyrannical power, Armed to the teeth. A man who invented lies To invade Ukraine. * * * 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) Deeds of courage and resistance, Words of farewell in railway stat...
I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff
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Zeitgeistlyrik: I HAVE A DREAM Subtitle: Disinformation I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff) Subtitle: Disinformation I have a dream A dream of a bigger Russia, Says a would-be Tzar, As he looks at himself In front of the mirror. It was a long journey, From the KGB’s Department of Espionage. I was in East Germany from 1975 till 1982, Where I learned German. I liked the Stasi colleagues. Lawrov who stands nearby: Yes, President., smart fellows. They shot many Germans fleeing to the West. In 1998 I was the Director Of the Internal Secret Service-FSB. In 1999 I became the Director Of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Underway I’ve mastered the martial arts, Where you learn tactics and strategy. I learned a lot about human psychology. And broke the power of the oligarchs. In 2001 I told the Bundestag in German: ‘Der Kalte Krieg ist vorbei.’ The Cold War is over. Little did they know what I had in mind. Lawrov says: ‘ Yours is a great mind, Mr. President. Or shall I say Tzar...
Poems on War: Ukraine (Satis Shroff
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1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff) Many Ukranian men from 18 to 60 Have given up their lives, For Mother Ukraine in the cold winter. When Spring comes, Flowers will spring in their graves. They died for freedom From a tyrannical power, Armed to the teeth. A man who invented lies To invade Ukraine. * * * 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) Deeds of courage and resistance, Words of farewell in railway stations, When mother and children were sent away, To safer destinations, While the men stayed, To defend the motherland. Tears rolling down the cheeks Of men, children, siblings. Invaded by a ruthless autocrat A narcissist with dreams of restoring The faded Glory of the Soviets. Will the Cold War be followed By an age of chaos Violence and conflict? A world that cannot distinguish Between destruction and self-destruction? No desire to legitimize the nefarious deeds. Violence develops a momentum of its own. The slaughter, the butchery, Driven by the greed and hunger for power. * * * ...
A ZAR IS BORN (Satis Shroff)
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UKRAINE BLUES: ZARIST AMBITIONS (Satis Shroff) Putin has thrown the gauntlet: how dare anyone, eh? Moscow theatricals in the heart of power in Russia where the main protagonist is the new Zar. Vladimir Putin, plays the role of a military strategist who combines martial arts philosophy with his deep desire to bring the lost glory to his broken Soviet Union through the blatant use of force and a deadly, expanding arsenal of lethal weapons, conventional, as well as, nukes. Today the Ukraine is in danger of being swallowed, tomorrow the other former and smaller Soviet states, and the day after tomorrow perhaps a piece of the European cake? The Bear’s appetite is growing. What we are witnessing in the Ukraine is a scenario back from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Jungle Book’ in which a Mungo (Russia) has to be cunning, outwit and outmanoeuvre the Cobras (Nato) and Sher Khan (USA). The Mungo made a fast move and left the Western Alliance (Nato) gasping for breath. The Cobras and Sher Khan had only ...
Lifewriting: What's in a Name? (Satis Shroff)
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Life writing: What’s in a Name (Satis Shroff) Was doing life-writing with some people when my chance came to tell whether I was satisfied with the way people called my name, I had to admit there were only a few people who’d pronounced my name well. A young French woman did it with so much love and feeling that it still rings in my ears. It is a common name. If you google for my name then you’re bombarded with similar names, especially from Nepal and India. My name comes from Sanskrit and it’s a compound word. The first word is satya (Wahrheit) which means truth. And the second name comes from Ishwara, which means God. So you have before you the God of Truth. Funny, eh? I had a college friend from the ethnic group of Rais and his name was Satya. He was the most decent, nicest and honest person I’ve ever met. I couldn’t imagine him doing harm to even an insect. We had good contacts when I was living in a hostel. We used to go from Thamel to downtown Kathmandu on foot to drink Ma...
Ukraine Blues: My Heart Bleeds for Ukraine (Satis Shroff)
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MY HEART BLEEDS FOR UKRAINE (Satis Shroff) European leaders look for solutions: Macron speaks with Putin in Moscow, Scholz discusses with Biden. Are Germany and America Marching in the same tact To hold back Russian aggression? The Russian bear snarls and provokes, Van der Leyen threatens with sanctions. Macron’s fervent cry of de-escalation, Goes unheard. The bear means business wants to talk with the eagle To avoid long discussions and delay. The tanks are moved back and forth, In the snowy landscape, Backed by photos from Russia. The Russias have already decided the next move. The tanks are waiting for a signal, The Russian separatists have a free hand, And open fire. If the Ukranian Army ignores This humiliating bombardment of civilians, A sacrifice has been made And a major war averted. Patriotism is in the wrong place here; It is a military and political strategy game of chess. When Ukranians reply with a barrage Of rockets from the Nato, The Russians will have found their excu...
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DISCOVERY OF NEPALI (Satis Shroff) Nepali was spoken at home but it was in the English school that I learned Nepali literature when it was introduced as a subject for the Senior Cambridge. We read the short stories of Guru Prasad Mainali, a fisher story ‘ The Price of Fish,’ and other writers Nepalese writers. I learned Nepali as a mother-tongue, spoken in the simple way as in the hills of Nepal. It was the advent of the Gorkhapatra and Radio Nepal, when everyone seemed to be varying a battery-run transistor radio that more Sanskrit words came into usage. The Nepali school curriculum has Sanskrit as a compulsory subject so school children learn it early. It’s the elderly folk in the hills who speak the simple Nepali. Both Nepali and Newari (Nepal Bhasa) which are spoken in Kathmandu and the diaspora in Assam, Darjeeling area and where the Gurkhas and the Nepalese students and workers have settled down. There are other language such as Maithili spoken in the Terai, Thakali, Tibet...