
Es werden Posts vom Februar 26, 2017 angezeigt.

Kathmandu is Nepal (Satis Shroff, Freiburg), a poem by Satis Shroff, Germany

Kathmandu is Nepal (Satis Shroff, Freiburg), a poem by Satis Shroff, Germany


Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : SAVVY GERMAN CARS? (Satis Shroff) : FAST, CHIC AND LUXURIOUS GERMAN CARS (Satis Shroff) Why are we fascinated by old cars , as well as new ones)? Ho...


FAST, CHIC AND LUXURIOUS GERMAN CARS (Satis Shroff) Why are we fascinated by old cars , as well as new ones)? How much does it cost to gather old cars? Where can you find beautiful cars? And what does the exhibition-cum-fair called ‘Automobil (e) have to show lovers of Oldtimers and fast German and international cars? Cars are mostly mass-produced wares. But how can you make them special, individual? Through tuning. At the fair with the name ‘ Automobile, Tuning and Sound Convention running in Freiburg’s fair ground (Messeplatz, near the small airport, there was the biggest new car fair in South Baden, and the 7th Tuning and Sound Convention, with great cars and entertainment for the visitors, because cars have always had a cult-status in the society. I knew two workers from Romania and Sri Lanka who worked in a microchip factory. No education, no scope in Germany, aside from the factory job, but they were contented and drove big, fat Mercedes Benz cars(...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Satis Shroff: Neruda Award 2017

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Satis Shroff: Neruda Award 2017 : Die Pablo Neruda Association in Taranto, Italien hat sich entschieden den Freiburger Dichter und Schriftsteller Satis Shroff den Neruda A...

Satis Shroff: Neruda Award 2017

Die Pablo Neruda Association in Taranto, Italien hat sich entschieden den Freiburger Dichter und Schriftsteller Satis Shroff den Neruda Award 2017 zu verleihen. Satis Shroff ist  Director für „Writers Capital International“ in  Deutschland. Satis Shroff wurde in Nepal geboren. In Kathmandu studierte er Zoologie, Botanik und Geologie. Während seines Studiums arbeitete er als Journalist für Radio Nepal und schrieb Reiseberichte über Nepal. Ein DAAD-Stipendium (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) ermöglicht ihm den Umzug nach Freiburg. Dort studierte er Medizin an der Albert-Ludwig Universität und Sozialarbeit an der FH. Doch das Schreiben zieht sich wie ein Roter Faden durch sein Leben. Der Besuch eines Kurses für Creative Writing bei Professor Bruce Dobler aus Pittsburgh motivierte ihn seine Kreativität weiter zu entfalten und sich auch vermehrt dem Schreiben von Gedichten zu zuwenden. Für Satis Shroff ist die Literatur ein wichtiger Weg um Kulturen kennen zu lernen un...

Freiburger Rosenmontagsumzug 2017 (Satis Shroff)


Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : German Traditions: Brauchtumsabend 2017 (Satis Shr...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : German Traditions: Brauchtumsabend 2017 (Satis Shr... : European Culture in the Black Forest: BRAUCHTUMSABEND 2017 IN FREIBURG-KAPPEL (Satis Shroff) The evening began with the marching in ...