
Es werden Posts vom August 2, 2015 angezeigt.

Zeitgeistlyrik: THE TIBETAN PRAYER WHEEL (Satis Shroff)

THE TIBETAN PRAYER WHEEL (Satis Shroff) (Subtitle: O, cry with me) Adieu winter, The signs of growth are here, Between sunshine and rain. There’s a subtle greening everywhere. People work line bees, Cutting and pruning weeds Using their ancient hoes To plough the terraces The joy that plants have survived Beneath the deadwood. There’s optimism in the air And with it hope, When crocuses rear their heads. Lovely lupins, delphiniums and daffodils, In the meadows of the Himalayas. People are bathing in the tributaries of holy rivers, Chanting vedic hymns. Those who have lost their mothers, Remember them through rites, Followed by a bath in the river Matatirtha. The sound of thundering hoofs in Tudikhel, In the heart of Catmandu. Snorting and foaming horses, And cheering Nepalese. Spectators who watch the great chariots Of Bhairawa and Bhadrakali. The joy of the fresh air, In the tranquility of the blue Mahabharat hills...

Summer Concert: Carmina Burana in Stegen (Satis Shroff)

I had the pleasure of singing Carl Orff's Carmina Burana at the Kolleg San Sebastian (Stegan) with a Project Choir on 21st of July 2015. It was great to be there and sing with parents, teachers,music students. The music was of a high quality and the participants were all dressed in black and white (Abendgarderobe,eh?). Before it commenced, there was excitement in the air. Elderly and young were sitting, clapping hands, carrying out animated conversations, some were going in and out, till 7pm. Then coloured lights flashed on the stage, followed by an Asian gong. There was a deep silence.   The atmosphere was real good and the audience was very appreciative. The programme was rather long and divided into two parts. Part I: The first part was sung by classes 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d and comprised: Sound the trumpet (Henry Purcell). A lovely song in English. 'Das klinget so herrlich' from the Magic Flute (W.A.Mozart). 'Abend treten Elcke aus den Dünen' (Satz: Pe...