QUO VADIS EUROPA? (Satis Shroff)

QUO VADIS EUROPA? Lack of Cooperation & Coordination in Europe (Satis Shroff) The federal government of Germny will reduce its payments to the asylum seekers by changing its asylum law in a 128-page law proposal, and which will be ready before the refugee-summit of the German states and Länder on September 24,2015. According to the Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, the asylum seekers should receive a travel-ticket or a flight-ticket plus food for the return-trip. This would hold or all refugees, who have come Hungary, Austria, Croatia or Italy and have been registered there. Pro Asyl has criticized that the government makes refugees, who were allowed to enter Germany, without shelter and deprives them from acquiring social benefits.’ On the other hand, refugees who are obliged to leave the country, because their asylum applications have been refused by the authorities shouldn’t be given privileges necessary for a journey back home. Individual cases will be t...