Migration: THE POT NEVER MELTS (Satis Shroff)

THE POT NEVER MELTS I (Satis Shroff) ONCE upon a time in a country sandwiched between two great ponds: the Atlantic and the Pacific, there was a big nation of migrants who called themselves Americans. Since the country was ravishingly beautiful but wild, and without infrastructures, millions of people from Europe were invited to create a new white society. They constructed a melting pot theory in which all Europeans (later other earth dwellers too) were to be put in the pot. The melting pot revolutionized the foreigners who entered the melting pot, which carried the name: the United States of America. The motley foreigners were expected to be easily dissolved. They could also be dissolved into tears because the very idea was against human nature. People from diverse nations were expected to set up an American civilization together. That was the path (The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost, 1916) America had chosen. The Native Americans had no other choice but to su...