
Es werden Posts vom Februar 8, 2015 angezeigt.


Fotoessay: WALDHAUS IN THE BLACK FOREST (Satis Shroff)   A Writer's Journal 2015 WALDHAUS: an eco-educational centre (Satis Shroff) FREIBURG has a five-year old Waldhaus (forest house), which is an ecological centre, located on the right side of the tram-stop Wohnhalde 6. The Waldhaus is open for the public, scientists, teachers, students, wood-specialists, families and visitors. At the beginning of the 18 th century there was a great destruction of forests and it was Hans Carl von Carlowitz who found the appropriate words and called it a challenge to use wood so that it can be sustainable and yet exist for usage. He wrote words to the effect in his forest-handbook in 1713. Some forth-five years ago the word 'Waldsterben,' meaning the death of the forest became a household world even in the English language. Waldsterben was a theme in Radio Nepal when I was a B.Sc. student in Kathmandu. As a result we have become careful, cons...