A BLACK FOREST VOICE: SATIS SHROFF https://www.instagram.com/p/B0U07oFI0MW80SNGNh5ml29ko3fcs0_B-IAMqU0 MORGENROT I (Satis Shroff) Ah, the beauty of the Morgenrot, The entire Dreisam Valley Bathed in scarlet hue. Even the birds chirp lightly. Morgenrot II ( Satis Shroff) Trucks dashing to Freiburg from the Schwarzwald, Emit a constant background din, Heavy duty tyres on asphalt, Hurrying towards the north. Morgenrot III ( Satis Shroff) The scarlet has disappeared Clouds with golden orange dashes appear, Long clouds in glowing orange Spread across the south-west sky. A blueness appears above the clouds, Long horizontal brush strokes, Over the Prussian blue mountains. Shaded of grey clouds, Above the orange now. Morgenrot ( Satis Shroff) You discern the pine treeline on the mountains, Your heart fills with joy and gratitude, As you sip your cuppa tea. Ah, a beautiful dawn in July. (C) satisshroff 2019 MOMENTUM (Satis Shroff...