THE DANCER & THE POET (Satis Shroff) (c) Aquarelle by satis shroff THE DANCER AND THE POET (Satis Shroff) There she is a blonde Flamenco dancer, From a family that was long dysfunctional. The poet said: ‘Dance, my dear to the rhythm Of the guitar and my lyrics.’ She pushes her feet to perform the fiery rhythms, She dances in a trance, Like a shaman in a séance. By working them out Till she’s exhausted after each dance. He seduces her and insults her, Then pushes her away. He’s her lover, hater and seducer, All in one. He appears to her like a scarlet devil at times, At other times, he’s a cavalier, A gigolo who seduces also other women. * * * Her praises her in his verses, Gives her red roses and kisses. She’s in seventh Heaven, Stunned by bolts of ecstatic lyrics. Suddenly he lets her fall down. Then he plays with her again. Bodies twined they dance with each other, Make love and melt into one. Synchronise...