THE DANCER AND THE POET There she is a blonde Flamenco dancer, From a family that was long dysfunctional. The poet says: ‘Dance, my dear to the rhythm Of the guitar and my lyrics.’ She pushes her feet to perform the fiery rhythms, She dances in a trance, Like a shaman in a séance. By working them out Till she’s exhausted after each dance. He praises her in his verses, Suddenly he lets her fall down. This makes her doubt; Melancholy creeps into her heart. She thinks: ‘When we came together It was like a blitz, That touched my heart. You brought me fire like Prometheus, Kindled it within me. Ah, love when we’re together We come out of our shells And enter each other.’ * * * Our love is like a flower with feelings It needs to be cared for, It needs the sun so that the perfume Can unfold itself. Your hatred is a contagious fire, Like darkness which douses the fire with...