Zeitgeistlyrik: A Man's Soliloquy (Satis Shroff)

Zeitgeistlyrik: A MAN'S SOLILOQUY (Satis Shroff) A MAN'S SOLILOQUY (Satis Shroff) War or peace? That is the question. Is it better to see the warriors of the islamic states, Wantonly overrun villages, towns and countries? 200,000 people have died in Syria, And the editorial team of Charlie Hebdo, With the is-message of death To the disbelievers in this world. Or shall the world take to arms, Against this threat and injustice? Till now it was a distant, military operation, Against the self-proclaimed and misled warriors, With aerial bombardments, Carried out by Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Turkey, of late, All coordinated by the USA. Mission accomplished, Collateral damage: women and children. In Germany the collective psychosis follows them, As they take to the streets, Under the banner of pegida: An astonishing mix of people, From the middle of East German society, Rubbing shoulders with outright racists and extre...