
Es werden Posts vom Dezember 3, 2017 angezeigt.

FREIBURGER ZEITGEISTLITERATURE (Satis Shroff): Global Poets & Writer Create Literary Festivals an...

FREIBURGER ZEITGEISTLITERATURE (Satis Shroff): Global Poets & Writer Create Literary Festivals an... : Global Poets and Writers Create Literary Festivals and Publications (Satis Shroff) National literature no longer means very much, t...

Global Poets & Writer Create Literary Festivals and Publications (Satis Shroff)

Global Poets and Writers Create Literary Festivals and Publications (Satis Shroff) National literature no longer means very much, the age of world literature is due. (National literature will jetzt nicht viel sagen, die Epoche der Weltliterature ist an der Zeit). Global writers and poets are connecting internationally via the internet. Why should only the literature mainstream in the USA, Australia and Britain take the lead?The world literature propagated was entirely Eurocentric and Goethe himself was a German universal writer one of the most original and powerful German lyric poets and his Faust I & II is a melange of comedy, tragedy, pathos, wit and satire, that is, magical beauty. However, his collection of pseudo-oriental lyrics ‘West-östliche Divan’ (1819) is closed associated with Marianne von Willemer, one of the most gifted and intellectual women in Goethe’s life. Goethe spoke of world literature during his times. But what we experience today is global l...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: AUTUMN (Satis Shroff)

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: AUTUMN (Satis Shroff) : AUTUMN (Satis Shroff) (Wooden sculpture by my friend Thomas Rees, Kappel) Chilly Autumn arrives soon enough, The summer flowers, T...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: AUTUMN (Satis Shroff)

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: AUTUMN (Satis Shroff) : AUTUMN (Satis Shroff) (Wooden sculpture by my friend Thomas Rees, Kappel) Chilly Autumn arrives soon enough, The summer flowers, T...

Zeitgeistlyrik: AUTUMN (Satis Shroff)

AUTUMN (Satis Shroff) (Wooden sculpture by my friend Thomas Rees, Kappel) Chilly Autumn arrives soon enough, The summer flowers, Those dear friends have gone. Asters and chrysanthemums still greet us. People celebrate the festival of lights, In honour of Goddess Lakshmi. Even the common crow is worshipped this day. For the crow is the messenger of Death, To the Hindus: Yamadoot. Another day the dog is garlanded and revered, For he is Bhairab’s steed. The third day of Tihar belongs to the cow, The reincarnation of Lakshmi. If you beat a cow you might be punished With a life in poverty. Figures   beneath a fungus: sculptor , my friend Thomas Rees The fruits are ripe now, Waiting to be harvested. The sun’s rays become mellow. The leaves turn golden, russet, brown. The paths are strewn with dead leaves. We reflect about our own lives. The dying leaves, A metaphor of your short existence, On this beautiful earth. With splendor of Summer gone, ...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: Lost Friendships in Greek-English ...

Satis Shroff's ZEITGEIST LITERATURE : Zeitgeistlyrik: Lost Friendships in Greek-English ... : Satis Shroff: LOST FRIENDHIPS (Greek-English) Σάτις Σροφφ: ΧΑΜΕΝΕΣ ΦΙΛΙΕΣ Όταν παλιοί φίλοι σκορπίζουν, ό,τι απομένει είναι μνήμες, στιγμώ...

Zeitgeistlyrik: Lost Friendships in Greek-English (Satis Shroff)

Satis Shroff: LOST FRIENDHIPS (Greek-English) Σάτις Σροφφ: ΧΑΜΕΝΕΣ ΦΙΛΙΕΣ Όταν παλιοί φίλοι σκορπίζουν, ό,τι απομένει είναι μνήμες, στιγμών σε ηρεμία. Όταν ο κόσμος τρέμει και οι λέξεις τρέμουν, όταν τα χείλη τρέμουν και δε βγαίνει τίποτα απ’ τον λάρυγγά σου, μόνο η ανήσυχη αναπνοή από τα ρουθούνια σου. Η σιωπή και η μοναξιά που επικρατούν όταν φιλίες έχασαν τα νοήματά τους. Οι συναντήσεις, οι ξανασυναντήσεις , προκαλούν αμηχανία και τα λόγια γίνονται περιττά. Οι παλιές πληγές αιμορραγούν πάλι, προκαλώντας πόνο, που έρχεται σαν θαλάσσια κύματα, αδιάκοπα, χτυπώντας και φεύγοντας. * * * Απόδοση στα ελληνικά από τη Ζαχαρούλα Γαϊτανάκη. Greek translation by Zacharoula Gaitanaki, Dec. 3,2017. (Dankesehr für die griechische Übersetzung, liebe Zacharoula Gaitanaki) * * * LOST FRIENDSHIPS (Satis Shroff) When old friends Go asunder, What remains Are memories, Of moments In tranquility. When world tremble And words shiver, When lips vibrate And nothing comes out Of your larynx. ...