What hope of answer or redress? Behind the veil, behind the veil. (Tennyson) THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS (Satis Shroff) In Venice I stood on the Bridge of Sighs, Thought about the Doge’s palace And the prison beyond the bridge, I was imprisoned in my mind. Thought about the Doge’s palace, In Venice I stood on the Bridge of Sighs, I was imprisoned in my mind, For a life was underway. It was a far better choice I had made, I was imprisoned in my mind. The product of our genes, For a life was underway. I was imprisoned in my mind, Swimming in a small amniotic sea; For a life was underway, I had to say adieu to a love. Swimming in a small amniotic sea, That was not to be. I had to say adieu to a love; Too many verbal battles. That was not to be, Malicious verbal daggers drawn, Why, O why, couldn’t we go asunder, I had to say adieu to a love. Malicious verbal daggers drawn, In Frieden like civilised people, I had to sa...