Poems on War: Ukraine (Satis Shroff

1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff) Many Ukranian men from 18 to 60 Have given up their lives, For Mother Ukraine in the cold winter. When Spring comes, Flowers will spring in their graves. They died for freedom From a tyrannical power, Armed to the teeth. A man who invented lies To invade Ukraine. * * * 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) Deeds of courage and resistance, Words of farewell in railway stations, When mother and children were sent away, To safer destinations, While the men stayed, To defend the motherland. Tears rolling down the cheeks Of men, children, siblings. Invaded by a ruthless autocrat A narcissist with dreams of restoring The faded Glory of the Soviets. Will the Cold War be followed By an age of chaos Violence and conflict? A world that cannot distinguish Between destruction and self-destruction? No desire to legitimize the nefarious deeds. Violence develops a momentum of its own. The slaughter, the butchery, Driven by the greed and hunger for power. * * * 3. A RABID MUNGO (Satis Shroff) What has Russia attained? Territorial gain and loss of lives. The airspace has been closed, No Russian planes can fly Over other’s territories. The Russian in the street Can’t pick up money for the automat. Russia is internationally isolated. Russian athletes, soccer clubs, Even Paralympics cannot compete. The world shuns them. A whole country ostrasized Because of one man: An ex-secret agent, a small cold warrior, Who desires the glory of the Tsar. He curses like a rabid mungo And says: ‘The West is imposing Illegitimate sanctions’ And Nato leaders make ‘aggressive statements.’ Pray, who bombed the cities of Georgia in 2008 ? Who annexed Crimea in 2014? Who has invaded Ukrania? Who has conquered Cherson? Who is ceaselessly bombarding Tschernihiw and Maripol? Trump was the liar of the USA, And who has lied to the Russian folk? Disinformation for his own people. Poor Russia. * * * MOSCOW ISOLATED (Satis Shroff) What has the ‘honest’ black-belt holder done? He has waged a war against a smaller country. Over a week of pounding with artillery and rockets. His 46 lorries are stuck since days. Sitting ducks if Ukraine had missiles. He wanted a third break for talks, But not ceasefire. The warlord bombed further. Moscow is isolated from the world. There are demonstrations In Berlin, Prague, London, Madrid and Brussels, On behalf of besieged Ukranians. Spontaneous demonstrations in Moscow and St. Petersburg Are stifled immediately And people arrested. Putin’s march to Ukraine Is stopped by people Of the Land of Sunflowers. The would be Tsar gets angry At his own logistic shortcomings, And the stiff fight put up by the defenders. * * * 5. CIVILIANS DIE (Satis Shroff) Putin orders rocket attacks, Like Stalin’s organ in World War II, In the town of Chernihiv, Northeast of Kyiv. More civilians die. The Russians aim at civilians Instead of military targets. They want to destroy their infrastructure. Troops advance from Crimea, The port Maripol, a land-bridge, Between Donetsk and Ludhansk, Is conquered. Putin’s troops close in on Kharkiv. Ukranians rally around Zelensky, The heroic symbol of bravery, And put up a great fight. * * * 6. A FOE BECOMES A FRIEND (Satis Shroff) A Russian soldier surrenders And calls his mom in Moscow. The defenders are so nice to him. They could have easily lynched him, But he even gets a drink and food. A foe becomes a friend. Other Russians sabotage their own tanks: What is kaput is kaput. Fed up with the mad Tsar’s war and dreams. A pretty pilot dies in action, Some Ukranians capture a Russian tank, And take joy rides like children. * * * 7. AMMO, NOT A RIDE (Satis Shroff) Ukranians are extremely patriotic. Zelenky decides to remain in Kyiv, Come what may. His family refuses to be separated. What a symbolic and courageous gesture. Zelensky inspires all Ukranians And even volunteers from Europe To fight against Putin’s men: Independence, democracy and freedom. Zelensky is not Ashraf Ghani, Who fled with money in his baggage. Zelensky told an American, Who wanted to evacuate him: ‘I need ammunition, not a ride.’ A historical, metaphorical statement.


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