WHEN THE SOUL LEAVES (Satis Shroff) Like Shakespeare said, 'All the world's a stage' And we've played many different roles in our lives In various places and scenarios. As we grow old and ripe, our knowledge of the world grows. We hold what we cannot see, smell, taste and touch in our memories. We only have to walk down memory lane To find the countless faces, places, sights and sounds that we have stored, To be recalled and retrieved through association In conversations with others Or when we contemplate alone. Why should elderly people be scared of social terror and aging? Aging is a biological phenomenon. We should be glad that we have lived useful lives, Filled with good experiences. The wonderful children that we have created, The very gems of our genes, Each so individual in their personalities. The house we lived in and filled With love, laughter, songs and music. The parents and grand-parents, friends and relatives We have had the time to share with. But we sh...