Humanitarian Tragedy in Europe's Eastern Border (Satis Shroff)

Humanitarian Tragedy in Europe’s Eastern Border (Satis Shroff) Due to the dramatic development along the 1000km Ukraine-Belarussian border, where thousands of migrants from Syria and Iraq are forced to live in the cold, wet forests zone, the Ukraine is not sending humanitarian help but 3000 border soldiers, 2000 national guards to control the border against an invasion of migrants. Moreover, 15 helicopters are being deployed to observe the forested and swampy areas, according to minister Denys Monastryskyj. He said the barb-wired border will be extended. The Ukraine wants to build an ‘intelligent border’ and the Ukranian government will be spending 560 million to achieve this goal. The people from Iraq and Syria, who have paid for the flight, visa and hotel in White Russia, are now obliged to spend days and nights in the cold border. Their hopes of reaching and receiving political asylum in the west (Germany, France and Switzerland) have been squashed by the border disputes of the fo...