I'd like to share this page with people who have visited or lived in Nepal and want to share their longing and love for the people of the Himalayan country, its literature, majestic peaks, landscapes, culture, cuisine and development. THE ABODE OF SNOW (Satis Shroff) Majestic mountains, Clouds on the summits, The small white pagoda (mane) Crested upon the ridg e. The prayers fluttering in the Himalayan breeze Taking your prayers to the Gods and Goddesses In the Abode of Snow. * * * https://www.pinterest.de/satisshroff/longing-for-the-himalayas/?lp=true A FLIGHT OVER THE HIMALAYAS (Satis Shroff) "Will the passengers please fasten their seat belts," said a soft voice over the intercom. And I slid one end of the belt into the heavy metallic slot, sat back, and peered through the window of the Nepalese jet. The runway was clear and there was an Airbus 310, three Russian-made helicopters and a Dornier- a...