THE FLAW (Satis Shroff, Freiburg) I constantly live in fear. Angst to be unmasked. My spouse knows it. My daughter knows it. But no one else does. I feel like a failure in life, Because I have this flaw. My parents had no time. They worked and slaved To earn our daily bread. Father came often with a bad breath From the taverns and inns. He beat us and mother. My teacher thrashed me too. I had concentration problems. As a child I had to work With a wooden hoe and a bull, For terraced farming wasn’t easy, And my father was a farmer. I felt ignored by my parents. My mother would have helped me Were she not perpetually tired And at her wits’ end. I cheated at school But didn’t pass the school exam. I grew up as a man Without reading Without writing. I had the gift of the gab though Throughout my life, And even bluffed some Quite a few sometimes. (c) Satis Shroff GROW WITH LOVE (Satis Shroff, Freiburg) Love yourself...