Es werden Posts vom April 2, 2017 angezeigt.
O, Porter! Why Must You Climb Mountains? (Satis Shroff)
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O, PORTER! WHY MUST YOU CLIMB MOUNTAINS?(Satis Shroff) हे भरिया किन हिमाल छाड्ने ? – हिमाल माथि छ , त्येस्कारण . – तल घाम छैन र माथि जाने . – पर्बतबाट घाम र तारा नजिक देखिन्छ . – खुट्टाले पिर्थीबी छुयो , टाउकोले स्वर्ग छुयो . मेरो आमा - बाबु सित स्कुल पठाउने पैसा थिएन . * * * O porter! Why must you climb mountains? – The Himalayas are high, what’s why. – There’s no sunlight below, -That’s why I climb upwards. – From the summits the sun and the stars appear close. – My feet are on the Mother Earth, – My head in Heaven. - My parents had no money for my school. * * * हिमाल बोल्दैन , मनिषझैँ ठेल्दैना . हिमाल अघि बद्डैना , त्येसैकरण मनिश्हरु पर्बतमा चाडछन् . * * * The Himalayas don’t speak, They don’t nudge around li...
Zeitgistlyrik: One Dream Led to Another (Satis Shroff)
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ONE DREAM LED TO ANOTHER (Satis Shroff) I was around twenty years old, My head full of dreams. I left the Himalayan foothills To win a dream: A dream to go to Europe, Visit places I’d read about. The Bastille from Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Where I spent time recalling the French Revolution. My friend’s Parisienne sister shook her head and said: ‘Satis, there are others ways of spending an afternoon in Paris.’ An eighteenth century house, Described by George Eliot. A British pub akin to the one In John Burn’s ‘Tam o’ Shanter:’ Even though ‘pleasures are like poppies spread.’ In Blenhelm ‘s little tavern with murals Of its famous son: Churchill. I stood in front of Winston Leonhard Spencer Churchill’s grave; Above his remains lay his mother. The words of James Shirley came to my mind: ‘Death lays his icy hands on kings, Sceptre and crown, Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made. With th...