I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff

Zeitgeistlyrik: I HAVE A DREAM Subtitle: Disinformation I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff) Subtitle: Disinformation I have a dream A dream of a bigger Russia, Says a would-be Tzar, As he looks at himself In front of the mirror. It was a long journey, From the KGB’s Department of Espionage. I was in East Germany from 1975 till 1982, Where I learned German. I liked the Stasi colleagues. Lawrov who stands nearby: Yes, President., smart fellows. They shot many Germans fleeing to the West. In 1998 I was the Director Of the Internal Secret Service-FSB. In 1999 I became the Director Of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Underway I’ve mastered the martial arts, Where you learn tactics and strategy. I learned a lot about human psychology. And broke the power of the oligarchs. In 2001 I told the Bundestag in German: ‘Der Kalte Krieg ist vorbei.’ The Cold War is over. Little did they know what I had in mind. Lawrov says: ‘Yours is a great mind, Mr. President. Or shall I say Tzar?’ Nyet. Not yet but the time will come. I admit power politics is my métier. My method of ruling is Putinism. I ‘ve learned to hold the reins. The fall of the Soviet Union Was the biggest catastrophe of the century. As the war was waring in Chechenya, I promised my countrymen: ‘The time of loss is over.’ My folks don’t want war With Ukraine and the West. I know a war brings the economy down. And daily life too. But Russia’s going to be a great power, Like in the times of the Tzar And the Soviet Union. It’s a great challenge. Lawrov: Da, my President. A great heritage, indeed. 2014 was the time for Crimea to fall. I took Crimea without bloodshed. Though Ukraine is fighting, It’s only a matter of time. I see the fear in their eyes. I’m going to reset the past. I have a dream of freeing Europe From the nazi threat. Halt! Ukraine is being run By a Jewish humorist, Who was given the role of a President, Like in his TV series. I have to admit he’s doing well, Full of melodramatic speeches, That’s his genre. He knows nothing about martial arts. He’s always on podcasts, TV and short-films, Playing the patriot and hero. I’ll have to teach him a lesson. The people of Ukraine should be thankful I’m saving the eastern part of Donbass From Ukraine’s military aggression. I accuse Ukraine of genocide. It was also developed nuclear weapons. Lawro: Mr. President, we can’t do that. You’re taking the script from Iraq. I don’t care, says almighty Putin. I have a dream Of putting the red banner In all the capitals of Europe. The Ukraine is peanuts. My dream is America. I want to change history, And dictate the terms of surrender Of my foes. Look at Xi Jinping of China: We have a common cause Against American forces, And economic might. We have a no-limits friendship. The list will grow with time. Lawrov: Yes, Mr. President. We’ll do good business with China. They have everything we need. We don’t need the west. We have the East as true friends. American newspapers and media Find me insolent, contemptuous, disdainful. They are all weaklings. What George Bush did in Iraq Is similar to what I’m doing now. A pity Trump is no longer In the White House. He’d dance to my tune. Mr. President, says Lawrov: We are being isolated because of sanctions. Ach! Sanctions won’t be effective. When I stop Nordsteam One and Two, The Europeans will freeze next winter, And beg for mercy and oil. ** * ©satisshroff


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