Zeitgeistlyrik: UKRAINE BLUES (Satis Shroff)

ZEITGEISTLYRIK: UKRAINE BLUES (SATIS SHROFF) Contents: Zeitgeistlyrik: I HAVE A DREAM 1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff) 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) 3. A RABID MUNGO (Satis Shroff 4. MOSCOW ISOLATED (Satis Shroff) 5. CIVILIANS DIE (Satis Shroff) 6. A FOE BECOMES A FRIEND (Satis Shroff) 7. GIMME AMMO, NOT A RIDE (Satis Shroff) 8. I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff) A TZAR IS BORN (Satis Shroff) 9. MY HEART BLEEDS FOR UKRAINE (Satis Shroff) 10. PLANTS HAVE SURVIVED (Satis Shroff) 11. UKRAINE IN MY MIND (Satis Shroff) 12. PREPARING FOR THE WORST (Satis Shroff) UKRAINE BLUES I: 1. DIED FOR FREEDOM (Satis Shroff Many Ukranian men from 18 to 60 Have given up their lives, For Mother Ukraine in the cold winter. When Spring comes, Flowers will spring in their graves. They died for freedom From a tyrannical power, Armed to the teeth. A man who invented lies To invade Ukraine. * * * 2. HUNGER FOR POWER (Satis Shroff) Deeds of courage and resistance, Words of farewell in railway stations, When mother and children were sent away, To safer destinations, While the men stayed, To defend the motherland. Tears rolling down the cheeks Of men, children, siblings. Invaded by a ruthless autocrat A narcissist with dreams of restoring The faded Glory of the Soviets. Will the Cold War be followed By an age of chaos Violence and conflict? A world that cannot distinguish Between destruction and self-destruction? No desire to legitimize the nefarious deeds. Violence develops a momentum of its own. The slaughter, the butchery, Driven by the greed and hunger for power. * * * 3. A RABID MUNGO (Satis Shroff) What has Russia attained? Territorial gain and loss of lives. The airspace has been closed, No Russian planes can fly Over other’s territories. The Russian in the street Can’t pick up money for the automat. Russia is internationally isolated. Russian athletes, soccer clubs, Even Paralympics cannot compete. The world shuns them. A whole country ostrasized Because of one man: An ex-secret agent, a small cold warrior, Who desires the glory of the Tsar. He curses like a rabid mungo And says: ‘The West is imposing Illegitimate sanctions’ And Nato leaders make ‘aggressive statements.’ Pray, who bombed the cities of Georgia in 2008 ? Who annexed Crimea in 2014? Who has invaded Ukrania? Who has conquered Cherson? Who is ceaselessly bombarding Tschernihiw and Maripol? Trump was the liar of the USA, And who has lied to the Russian folk? Disinformation for his own people. Poor Russia. * * * 4.MOSCOW ISOLATED (Satis Shroff) What has the ‘honest’ black-belt holder done? He has waged a war against a smaller country. Over a week of pounding with artillery and rockets. His 46 lorries are stuck since days. Sitting ducks if Ukraine had missiles. He wanted a third break for talks, But not ceasefire. The warlord bombed further. Moscow is isolated from the world. There are demonstrations In Berlin, Prague, London, Madrid and Brussels, On behalf of besieged Ukranians. Spontaneous demonstrations in Moscow and St. Petersburg Are stifled immediately And people arrested. Putin’s march to Ukraine Is stopped by people Of the Land of Sunflowers. The would be Tsar gets angry At his own logistic shortcomings, And the stiff fight put up by the defenders. * * * 5. CIVILIANS DIE (Satis Shroff) Putin orders rocket attacks, Like Stalin’s organ in World War II, In the town of Chernihiv, Northeast of Kyiv. More civilians die. The Russians aim at civilians Instead of military targets. They want to destroy their infrastructure. Troops advance from Crimea, The port Maripol, a land-bridge, Between Donetsk and Ludhansk, Is conquered. Putin’s troops close in on Kharkiv. Ukranians rally around Zelensky, The heroic symbol of bravery, And put up a great fight. * * * 6. A FOE BECOMES A FRIEND (Satis Shroff) A Russian soldier surrenders And calls his mom in Moscow. The defenders are so nice to him. They could have easily lynched him, But he even gets a drink and food. A foe becomes a friend. Other Russians sabotage their own tanks: What is kaput is kaput. Fed up with the mad Tzar’s war and dreams. A pretty pilot dies in action, Some Ukranians capture a Russian tank, And take joy rides like children. * * * 7. GIMME AMMO, NOT A RIDE (Satis Shroff Ukranians are extremely patriotic. Zelenky decides to remain in Kyiv, Come what may. His family refuses to be separated. What a symbolic and courageous gesture. Zelensky inspires all Ukranians And even volunteers from Europe To fight against Putin’s men: Independence, democracy and freedom. Zelensky is not Ashraf Ghani, Who fled with money in his baggage. Zelensky told an American, Who wanted to evacuate him: ‘I need ammunition, not a ride.’ A historical, metaphorical statement. * * * Zeitgeistlyrik: UKRAINE BLUES II (Satis Shroff) Ukraine Blues II: Satis Shroff 8. INSPIRATION (Satis Shroff) Zelensky is at home in the social media. What he says goes viral: Pics of Ukrainian soldiers, Captured Prisoners-of War, The manufacture of Molotov Cocktails. A grandma doing rifle-training, Vows made to defend the country, Klitchko’s appeal to Europeans for help, Soldiers with wet eyes. Damsels in camouflage dresses. Zelensky’s leadership, resilience, Patriotism and inspiration Have moved everyone who has a heart For the underdog. In a ten-minute speech to the Emergency Summit Of the European leaders he said: ‘This may be the last time you see me alive.’ * * * 9. PROMISES MADE (Satis Shroff) Kill or die, Is the order of the day. When rockets and missiles strike Civilian apartments, The war becomes dirty, The enemy unseen. They send the greetings of death, From a safe distance. Aesthetic killing In the cities and fields of Ukraine. And what do we have as a retort? Molotov cocktails for the crews Of trucks and tanks. ваше здоровье vashe zdorov’ye. * * * 10. ORPHANS AND WIDOWS (Satis Shroff) Warlord Putin’s anger Surpassed every measure. Vacuum and splitter bombs, Banned by the comity of decent nations, To match Ukraine’s patriotism and resilience. The Tsar uses dirty weapons Against his foes. How many children Have you orphaned? How many widows Have you made, Tzar Putin? Do you hear the moans of the dead? Or the chorus of the crying children, Traumatised for life At such an early age?. * * * 11. WHISTLING ROCKETS (Satis Shroff) Frost in the fields and naked trees, It’s winter and a cold wind blows across the land, The Land of Sunflowers. The sun has just arisen And the rockets come whistling down, Upon the houses of Ukraine: In villages, towns and cities. Over 300 civilians killed And 14 children. Putin the warlord smiles At his loyal men, Who have put off their conscience For a handful of rubles And a would-be Tsar’s propaganda. * * * 12. INVASION (Satis Shroff) Germany’s Chancellor Scholz says: ‘President Putin has lied to me personally On the Ukraine crisis.’ Everybody believed Putin, Well-knowing his past, An ex-KGB man, a narcissist, Who’s proud of his martial arts. A macho who never forgives anyone, And is bitter to the last To his foes. He’s used to leaving corpses behind And is carrying out ‘a special military operation’ In the Land of the Sunflower. A monstrous invasion By sea, air and land, Causing thousands to flee To neighbouring countries. He shows no mercy And rains rockets on cities, Driving those who’ve remained To cellars, the Underground And bomb shelters. Grandparents, mother, children, Trapped in a dark room, Because of the blackout, Even during the day, Find solace in the national hymn. Angst, gloomy thoughts And helplessness still linger. * * * PREPARING FOR THE WORST (Satis Shroff) Fear of war on the faces of the Ukranians, 100,000 Russians in the border. And urban warfare if the Russians do invade. The training of civilians for real war has begun ‘Ukraine is not the Nato, Our resources are limited, says a Kiever. ‘Our will to fight the aggressor is there, As in the past, he adds. * * * I remember a similar fear in 1962. I was in an Irish school in Darjeeling. When the Chinese troops attacked Indian soldiers Near Nathu La in Sikkim, We, school-kids, received training With Enfield . 303 rifles, Relicts of the Second World War. We were taught how to hold and load the guns. Had to learn how to crawl Between the tea-bushes, Because it was a tea-plantation region. No trees, only monotonous, monoculture Of Thea sinensis imported from China By the British colonialists in the days of the Raj. Even local Gorkhali girls had to do rifle-training. We were obliged to fire forty rounds of ammunition On the final day. A field day for us teenage hill boys. People didn’t speak openly But you could sense the fear in the air, Whispers of uncertainty, speculations and rumors. There was Blackout in the evenings. Although it was winter people came out of their houses And went silently for hurried walks in the dark. The atmosphere was charged with tension India was beaten badly by the Chinese. Their troops were prepared for the winter, Well-equipped and armed with automatic weapons. Till then we’d seen war only in American movies: The Normandy landings and Dunkirk. Now we were about to face unknown enemy, Heartless, merciless commies. * * * Whereas our school was run by Irish Brothers, Victoria school was run by an ex-Indian Army officer. He ordered that trenches be dug Around the school compound. It was National Cadet Corps at school level. Other schools with civilian headmasters Didn’t bother with such paramilitary measures. * * * Zeitgeistlyrik: I HAVE A DREAM Subtitle: Disinformation I HAVE A DREAM (Satis Shroff) Subtitle: Disinformation I have a dream A dream of a bigger Russia, Says a would-be Tzar, As he looks at himself In front of the mirror. It was a long journey, From the KGB’s Department of Espionage. I was in East Germany from 1975 till 1982, Where I learned German. I liked the Stasi colleagues. Lawrov who stands nearby: Yes, President., smart fellows. They shot many Germans fleeing to the West. In 1998 I was the Director Of the Internal Secret Service-FSB. In 1999 I became the Director Of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. Underway I’ve mastered the martial arts, Where you learn tactics and strategy. I learned a lot about human psychology. And broke the power of the oligarchs. In 2001 I told the Bundestag in German: ‘Der Kalte Krieg ist vorbei.’ The Cold War is over. Little did they know what I had in mind. Lawrov says: ‘Yours is a great mind, Mr. President. Or shall I say Tzar?’ Nyet. Not yet but the time will come. I admit power politics is my métier. My method of ruling is Putinism. I ‘ve learned to hold the reins. The fall of the Soviet Union Was the biggest catastrophe of the century. As the war was waring in Chechenya, I promised my countrymen: ‘The time of loss is over.’ My folks don’t want war With Ukraine and the West. I know a war brings the economy down. And daily life too. But Russia’s going to be a great power, Like in the times of the Tzar And the Soviet Union. It’s a great challenge. Lawrov: Da, my President. A great heritage, indeed. 2014 was the time for Crimea to fall. I took Crimea without bloodshed. Though Ukraine is fighting, It’s only a matter of time. I see the fear in their eyes. I’m going to reset the past. I have a dream of freeing Europe From the nazi threat. Halt! Ukraine is being run By a Jewish humorist, Who was given the role of a President, Like in his TV series. I have to admit he’s doing well, Full of melodramatic speeches, That’s his genre. He knows nothing about martial arts. He’s always on podcasts, TV and short-films, Playing the patriot and hero. I’ll have to teach him a lesson. The people of Ukraine should be thankful I’m saving the eastern part of Donbass From Ukraine’s military aggression. I accuse Ukraine of genocide. It was also developed nuclear weapons. Lawro: Mr. President, we can’t do that. You’re taking the script from Iraq. I don’t care, says almighty Putin. I have a dream Of putting the red banner In all the capitals of Europe. The Ukraine is peanuts. My dream is America. I want to change history, And dictate the terms of surrender Of my foes. Look at Xi Jinping of China: We have a common cause Against American forces, And economic might. We have a no-limits friendship. The list will grow with time. Lawrov: Yes, Mr. President. We’ll do good business with China. They have everything we need. We don’t need the west. We have the East as true friends. American newspapers and media Find me insolent, contemptuous, disdainful. They are all weaklings. What George Bush did in Iraq Is similar to what I’m doing now. A pity Trump is no longer In the White House. He’d dance to my tune. Mr. President, says Lawrov: We are being isolated because of sanctions. Ach! Sanctions won’t be effective. When I stop Nordsteam One and Two, The Europeans will freeze next winter, And beg for mercy and oil. ** * ©satisshroff * * * UKRAINE BLUES: ZARIST AMBITIONS (Satis Shroff) Putin has thrown the gauntlet: how dare anyone, eh? Moscow theatricals in the heart of power in Russia where the main protagonist is the new Zar. Vladimir Putin, plays the role of a military strategist who combines martial arts philosophy with his deep desire to bring the lost glory to his broken Soviet Union through the blatant use of force and a deadly, expanding arsenal of lethal weapons, conventional, as well as, nukes. Today the Ukraine is in danger of being swallowed, tomorrow the other former and smaller Soviet states, and the day after tomorrow perhaps a piece of the European cake? The Bear’s appetite is growing. What we are witnessing in the Ukraine is a scenario back from Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Jungle Book’ in which a Mungo (Russia) has to be cunning, outwit and outmanoeuvre the Cobras (Nato) and Sher Khan (USA). The Mungo made a fast move and left the Western Alliance (Nato) gasping for breath. The Cobras and Sher Khan had only one word in their lips: sanctions. Thousands leave Kiev because of the Russian invasion. The Russian troops want to drink vodka in the Ukranian capital. Flurries of futile diplomacy with Moscow. With the march of Vladimir Putin’s troops into Ukranian territory the West’s politics of appeasement towards Moscow has come to an end. Elena Kovalskaya, the director of Moscow’s Vsevolod Meyerhold State Theater and Cultural Center, has announced her resignation in protest against the invasion of Ukraine. “It’s impossible to work for a murderer and collect a salary from him,” she writes. Elena Kovalskaya, the director of Moscow’s Vsevolod Meyerhold State Theater and Cultural Center, has announced her resignation in protest against the invasion of Ukraine. “It’s impossible to work for a murderer and collect a salary from him,” she writes. UKRAINE BLUES: prayers and sanctions against a Nation led by a deranged oligarch who calls others ‘neonazis addicted to drugs’ and shows he has no scruples and ethics. A warlord indeed. A flood of tears flow when a daughter leaves for safety in neighbouring Poland or Romania. Martial Law in Ukraine for all able bodied men from 18 till the age of 60: to the weapons was the call of the day. German TV Channel One- ARD. Italy agrees to ban Russia from SWIFT. Germany and Switzerland are still hesitating. The French are worried about their elections.. Selensky’s direct appeal to the People of Russia: Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made an appeal to Russian citizens not to support a major war in Europe. Zelenskyy said he attempted to call Russian President Putin but was met with silence. There is a Russian version of the developments in Ukraine meant for young Russian, and former Soviet, ears. In this version Ukraine is being misled by drug-addicted neo-Nazis. The word ‘nazi’ has a strong implication for the elderly generation of Russians who had to suffer hardships and crimes at the hands of the Nazis and the Gestapo in Stalingrad and elsewhere. US Senator Bernie Sanders said: Putin and his oligarch friends seek a divided world and the destruction of democracy. We must stand with the Ukrainian people against this war, and with the Russian people who are demonstrating against their corrupt, reckless president who started it. To Kiew via Chernobyl: Russian assault route because it’s shorter. Poor Kiew and Ukranian people. And he says arrogantly, and in defiance, he might even make use of his nukes if the case demands. Threats of European and US sanctions don’ t bother him. Chernobyl, the nuclear power plant was captured by Russian forces . The Ukrainian president says Russian “enemy sabotage groups” entered Kiev. MOSCOW BLUES: a news posted on February 24, 2022 mentions more than 1,700 arrested in anti-war Russia protests in Moscow and across dozens of cities in Russia, over 400 in Saint Petersburg, according to OVD-Info, which tracks arrests at opposition rallies. Thousands gathered near Pushkin Square in central Moscow, while up to 1,000 people gathered in the former imperial capital Saint Petersburg, according to the AFP news agency. “No to war” was spray-painted on the front gate of the Russian parliament’s lower house. “I am in shock. My relatives and loved ones live in Ukraine,” Anastasia Nestulya, 23, told AFP in Moscow. Putin wants to control not only the Donbass but Ukraine and other former Soviet Baltic countries too. A conventional warfare with nukes? The krieg has come back to the killing fields of Europe. The massing of Russian troops was ignored, and EU countries followed a policy of appeasement. After the annexation of Crimea the Western countries did business as usual, hoping that peace would come. There were instances of protests against North Stream 2, but they were swept under the carpet because dependency on Russian oil and fluid gas meant prosperity. And now we pretend we’re surprised about the wrath of the bear. TRADE SANCTIONS: Ukrainians were fearing the Russians but Europe turned a deaf year. The only weapon that the USA and Europe have are belated half-hearted economic and trade sanctions. Tension is increasing in the area and sanctions are no longer a deterrent for Putin and Lukaschenko (Belarus). The Russian warlord said he had given orders to this armed forces to activate his ballistic and cruise missiles. He emphasised that his country has been facing EU sanctions since many years and is used to it. Western sources interpret this as Putin’s declaration to invade Ukraine. The Second German Channel has reported about explosions, quoting a Ukranian woman. According to van der Leyen this Invasion on the part of Putin has brought the EU and Nato closer together. Aside from threats of sanctions the West follows a policy of wait- and-see. There’s no guarantee that the Nato and US fire brigade is going to come in the case of Ukraine. We’re following a policy of wait- and-drink-tea and watching the scenario unfurl warily and with angst. Experts warn that Putin’s order for troops to carry out what he called “peacekeeping functions” in the region, and what President Biden has now called the start of an invasion, could lay the groundwork and provide the pretext for a larger Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Putin has revealed how vulnerable Europe and the Nato is. A lot has to be done in terms of defending and investing in Fortress Europe against aggressors like Putin, and changing existing policies of appeasement towards oligarchs who mean business and are extremely determined. We in Europe suffer with you, Ukraine: air attacks, bombs, intimidation, people hiding in the Underground, hallways, bunkers as Warlord Putin marches into sovereign, defenceless Ukraine. The target is Kiev, via the Chernobyl route. And he says arrogantly, and in defiance, he might even make use of his nukes if the case demands. Threats of European and US sanctions don’t bother him. Putin wants to control not only the Donbass but Ukraine and other former Soviet Baltic countries too. A conventional warfare with nukes? The krieg has come back to the killing fields of Europe. The massing of Russian troops was ignored, and EU countries followed a policy of appeasement. And now we pretent we’re surprised about the wrath of the bear. After the annexation of Crimea the Western countries did business as usual, hoping that peace would come. There were instances of protests against North Stream 2, but they were swept under the carpet because depedency on Russian oil and fluid gas meant prosperity. Ukrainians were fearing the Russians but Europe turned a deaf year. The only weapon that the USA and Europe have are belated half-hearted economic and trade sanctions. Putin has revealed how vulnerable Europe and the Nato is. A lot has to be done in terms of defending and investing in Fortress Europe against aggressors like Putin, and changing existing policies of appeasement towards oligarchs who mean business and are extremely determined. Dreams of a past Soviet and Imperial glory: are being realised with military brutality, disinformation and Gewalt. Aggression. Colonial nostalgia on the part of oligarch Putin who is out to restore the old Soviet Union into a new Russian Federation. Dr Finnin, University of Cambridge, explained why, in the realm of political values, Ukraine is not Russia’s cousin but her competitor; and why the West needs to work harder to recognise the complexity and importance of the Black Sea region. Russian forces have launched a military assault on neighbouring Ukraine, crossing its borders and bombing military targets near big cities. A missile sparked a fireball as it hit Ivano-Frankivsk International Airport in western Ukraine. Russia’s military breached the border in a number of places, in the north, south and east, including from Belarus, a long-time Russian ally. There are reports of fighting in some parts of eastern Ukraine. President Macron’s reset-Russia politics has miserably backfired. He has underestimated Putin’s determination to control the Donbass. Germany’s policy of promoting North Stream 2 under former Chancellors Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel, followed by an attitude of appeasement towards Moscow, wasn’t right too under the new circumstances created by the Russian warlord. Democracy and freedom: The outcome of this inferno is that the EU, Nato and USA are working closer, thanks to Putin’s aggressive, thickheaded attitude. Long live democracy and freedom in Europe and the world. These are two treasures that have to be fought for again and again, all over the world against dictators, oligarchs, rulers that follow a policy of intimidation and injury of human rights. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he plans to conduct a “special military operation” in eastern Ukraine, confirming fears why he was massing troops along the border ahead of a strategic offensive. Shortly after his announcement, explosions were reported in the cities of Kyiv and Kramatorsk. Ukraine battles Russian attack on multiple fronts. At least 40 Ukrainian soldiers killed, official says President Biden: “The world will hold Russia accountable.” This is the end of the world order as we know it. Russia will “not stop at Ukraine”, Ukraine’s foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba told the United Nations, as he warns of “a grim scenario which will throw us back to the darkest times of the 20th century.” The Pariah on the World Stage? President Biden levied crippling sanctions against Russia for its Ukraine attack and said the U.S. and allies will make sure Putin will be a “pariah on the international stage.” Experts warn that Putin’s order for troops to carry out what he called “peacekeeping functions” in the region — and what President Biden has now called the start of an invasion — could lay the groundwork and provide the pretext for a larger Russian military incursion into Ukraine. Even seasoned Kremlinologists were alarmed by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s belligerent tone as he offered a monologue on why Ukraine has no right to exist.In a lengthy televised speech Monday, Putin formally recognized the independence of two regions in eastern Ukraine — the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic.” He later ordered troops to roll over the border under the guise of being “peacekeepers.” Niinistö on Tuesday viewed that Russia recognising the independence of the self-styled people’s republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, located in south-eastern Ukraine, signifies the end of the path laid out in the Minsk agreements, a series of international agreements signed to end the war in Donbas, Ukraine, in 2014–2015. Newsweek quoted President Joe Biden, on Tuesday, saying Russia’s actions in Ukraine will trigger massive sanctions, a response he has been threatening for weeks as President Vladimir Putin built up troops along Ukraine’s borders. In a speech from the White House, Biden said the Russian leader has committed “a flagrant violation of international law.” A big ‘IF’: speaking to journalists Tuesday evening, Putin set out a number of stringent conditions if the West wanted to de-escalate the crisis, saying pro-Western Ukraine should drop its Nato membership ambitions and maintain neutrality. It might be noted that on Tuesday President Vladimir Putin received authorization from lawmakers to use Russian troops outside of the country, a move he said was necessary to formalize the military’s deployment in two rebel regions of eastern Ukraine. Russia recognized those provinces as independent on Monday. Things are moving fast. Putin ordered troops there to “maintain peace” which is highly doubtful because he ordered Kiev and others cities to be bombarded by his MiGs and Sukhoi jets. It is plainly evident that he is not on a ‘peace keeping mission.’ * * * PLANTS HAVE SURVIVED (Satis Shroff) The joy that plants have survived Beneath the deadwood. There’s optimism in the air And with it hope, When crocuses rear their heads. Lovely lupins, delphiniums and daffodils, In the meadows of the Alps. * * * UKRAINE IN MY MIND (Satis Shroff) A legendary and heroic folk. Fighting with all they have Despite the odds. What an inspiration, Long live Ukraine. Putin manufactures the menace of America, Says Russia is ‘under threat’ To the simple Russian masses. They swallow it all. His troops have invaded Ukraine, Not the other way round. Nato leaders remain adamant and say They have no interest in a war in Ukraine With Russia. Ukraine is fighting for survival, With almost two weeks of constant bombing. America and Europeans have decided to sanction Russian banks from using the SWIFT, A money messaging system. Russia can’t settle bank business now; The Russian Central Bank is crippled, And can’t stabilize its falling ruble. The Russian troops and tanks are in Kiev Fighting for every inch of land, From building to building, From house to house. Snipers and Molotov cocktails Are in demand. A legendary and heroic folk. Fighting with mettle, Despite the odds. What an inspiration, Long live Ukraine. * * * TYRANTS COME AND GO ( Satis Shroff ) The winner takes it all when as long as conventional weapons are used in a war but when nukes are involved, there is no winner. Let Hiroshima and Nagasaki serve as reminders of how a country with its cities and humanity can be flattened, and remain radioactive for years to come. Let us not forget the tragedies of Cherobyl and Fukushima. Peace in this world is the best compromise and solution but as long there is sabre-rattling on both sides there cannot be peace. Words, dialogues, negotiations have to be used to find solutions. But when the antagonist refuses words and knows only the language of the sword then he must be taught a bitter lesson. History has seen tyrants come and go. The ravaged countries and people have remained. Long live human genes, long live peace. * * * * VOLNOVAKHA: the trauma, displacement, fear of further attacks and helplessness in war-torn Ukraine. The astonishing thing is that the Russian Orthodox Church gives its blessings and support to the invader and warlord Putin. Reminds me of the collaboration of the Catholic Church in Germany with the nazis in the Third Reich. * * * Rightists helping rightists in Germany & Ukraine, eh? Perhaps these are the new generation of nazis Putin wants to weed out that he keeps on mentioning in his fiery threatening speeches. Das Asow-Regiment steht bereits seit der russischen Annexion der Krim wegen Menschenrechtsverletzungen und Kriegsverbrechen in der Kritik. Doch Melnyk verweist lieber auf die Situation in Deutschland. Er kommentiert: „Leute, kümmert euch lieber um eure eigenen Rechtsradikalen.“ * * * GERMANY'S ENERGY ISSUE: President Selensky's suggestion and demand on the German government means all the chemical, pharmaceutical and other factories will be affected by such a ban. The Green Minister Habeck has gone to Katar, UA Emiates looking for alternatives to Nordstream 1 & 2. The former President Gauck quipped: ‘Then let us freeze a bit in winter.’ The Schröder and Merkel governments were appeasing and doing a flourishing biz with Putin. In the meantime, the government has changed, and so has Putin's attitude. The point is whether Germany is willing to take up this energy challenge? Germany's Wohlstand is at stake and it means a big sacrifice. * * * https://www.facebook.com/Channel4News/videos/328711815989781 A PEEP INTO THE RUSSIAN PSYCHE: this is a must-see video about a pro-Putin woman who has internalised Putin's war propaganda and she doesn' t budge. “There will be another world… with other values.” Former Russian MP and Putin supporter Natalya Narochnitskaya saysthat the war in Ukraine is “developing according to plan”. She believes firmly in Putin's new values and world order This is what a lot of Russians have been drilled to believe. What a shame.


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About the Author: Satis Shroff