
Es werden Posts vom Juli 26, 2020 angezeigt.

Сатис Шроф (Satis Shroff, Nemačka) ХАЈДЕГЕРОВА ТРИЛОГИЈА:

Thanks to Smiljana Piksiades for the translation into Serbian. It was published in Serbian in the literary book "Književni pregled," Belgrade, Serbia. Grazie mille, Smiljana. Сатис Шроф (Satis Shroff, Nemačka) ХАЈДЕГЕРОВА ТРИЛОГИЈА: Тишина постојања Платон је једном рекао: Megala panta episphale, (Μεγάλα πάντα επισφαλή,) несигуран  осуђен на пропаст, угрожен. То је био Платонов филозофски одговор тиранину Сиракузу, који је био осуђен на пропаст. Али, зашто сам пратио Платонове речи, и узносим их до херојског Sturm und Drang? Истина је, саосећао сам са унутрашњом истином Националног социјализма, кратко време. Та кратка епизода ме је коштала мога постојања. Људско биће мора да расте велико само од себе, да би могло да види велике покрете и да их буде свесно. Ја потичем из мале породице, нисам хтео да се мешам у мале ствари, Књижевни преглед 14 178 да облачим и свлачим мантил тврдогла...

THE NAKED HILLS (Satis Shroff)

THE NAKED HILLS (Satis Shroff) A young Nepalese woman Sits in front of her parents’ thatched home In the Middle Hills of Nepal. Her two hands caress her shoulders. It’s cold in the hills of Nepal, Where the hills are naked And its sons have left In search of better pastures, For the hills are barren. Governments and kings Have come and gone, But the poverty has remained. There’s no flour to bake one’s bread. The mothers seek and pluck Brennessel, And call it sisnu, To make a soup In the frugal hills of Nepal. In Maghey Sankrati we eat Stems and roots, Tarul and sweet-potatoes. There’s no wheat, maize, rice or mustard In these naked hills. Everything has become bitter. What remains is love and attachment. A Nepalese bird still sings: Kafal pakyo. Kafal pakyo. The berry’s ripe Glossary: Brennessel (Ger.): sisnu (Nepali), stinging nettle Maghey Sankrati: festival in Nepal pic courtesy:...


FREIBURGER ZEITGEISTLITERATURE (Satis Shroff): A DREAM LED TO ANOTHER (SATIS SHROFF) : Bhaktapur: art by satisshroff A DREAM  LED TO ANOTHER (Satis Shroff) I was around twenty years old, My head full of dreams. I left the Hi...


Bhaktapur: art by satisshroff A DREAM  LED TO ANOTHER (Satis Shroff) I was around twenty years old, My head full of dreams. I left the Himalayan foothills to win a dream: A dream to go to Europe, visit places I’d read about. The Bastille from Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities, Where I spent time recalling the French Revolution. My friend’s Parisienne sister shook her head and said: ‘Monsieur Satish, there are others ways of spending an afternoon in Paris.’ The smell of sea food at a French harbour, Such as the peasants of Normandy built. La Rochelle and the German bunkers in the Ile d’ Oleron. I peered at sea fogs from the mighty Atlantic, Watched the ‘last oozing, hours by hours, From a cider-press’ in the Vosges, as John Keats aptly put it. * * * In Blenhelm’s little tavern I saw murals of its famous son: Winston Leonhard Spencer Churchill. I stood in front of Churchill’s grave; Above his remains lay his mother. The words of James Shirley came to my mind: ‘Death lays his...