Nepalese Humanitarian Crisis Caused by India (Satis Shroff)

MOTHER NEPAL (c)satisshroff

It was Paul Watzlawick who said: ‘One cannot not communicate. Neither can one not learn or develop oneself. The art of diplomacy, ethical and social engagement is always a learn process for one’s development. By not taking the Indo-Nepal border issue seriously, India’s PM Modi, a professed Hindu, has chosen the the path of indifference towards its small neighbor.

 The border problem has been caused by Lowlanders (Madeshisis) living on the Indian side of the border. Due to PM Modis inaction and indifference, he has let the border situation escalate instead of taking measures to deescalate the situation between the two neighbouring countries.
In the past Rajiv Gandhi blundered in the Trade and Transit issue between India and Nepal, and also in Sri Lanka. PM Modi is going down in history as the man with diplomatic incapability as he let the Indo-Nepal issue deteriorate, instead of using the Hindu-card to improve cordial and cooperative cultural ties.

There was a discrepance between what PM Modi demands from Nepal, namely constitutional changes, and what he himself practices in his own country, where women still take to the streets to demand and struggle for their rights. A society where bride-burning for dowry-reasons, gang raping of female tourists and Indian students is tolerated by the law, where Muslims have to fear the BJP agitators and hotheads. Nepal’s bid for democracy cannot be thrwarted by present politics.

‘I know not what it means
That I am so sad’

Runs an old poem German fairytale about the Lorelei from the ballad written by Clemensvon Brentano 1799. We use these words to describe when we don’t know the behavior or decision of someone (in this case PM Modi) and shake our heads in disbelief.


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About the Author: Satis Shroff