This year’s Namaste Nepal Concert was held at the Bürgersaal-Litterweiler. In the past the concerts took place in the Mensa I (Freiburg University) with the men’s choir from Kappel and in the Gemeindeheim-Kappel under the aegis of Art and Culture Association-Kappel. Since we have wintertime, the concert began early at 5pm. The intercultural event was organized by the Freiburger Nepalese Association and the Gesangverein ‘Frohsinn-Littenweiler’ and Satis Shroff.
The guests were greeted by Erwin Herth, the chairman of ‘Frohsinn’ after which the Frohsinn singers sang the song: ‘Wochenende und Sonnenschein’ made popular by Comedian Harmonists with text by Charles Ambarg and musical score by Milton Ager. Weekend and sunshine with you—alone in the woods. The second song was ‘Erlaube mir, feins Mädchen’ (Allow me, lovely maid), a song by Johannes Brahms, 1833-1897. Allow me, lovely maid, to go to your garden, admire the roses, to break one, for it is high time. Your beauty, your youth have made my heart glad.
Then followed a greeting speech and a small presentation about Nepal. The FNA has been doing social work, organizing such events with songs, dances and cuisine from Nepal. Most important of all is the good work done by the FNA e.V. in supporting poor children in Nepal with stipends, scholarships for education is the best gift to a child to make progress in life and widen his or her horizon.
Romi Bhlon then performed a dance to the song ‘Sanaima Sirbandi,’ a story about of a woman who puts on her traditional clothes among her girlfriends. She looks pretty in her clothes and sings about her beautiful dress and the glory of Nature.
The choir ‘Frohsinn then sang a gospel song ‘Rock my Soul’ followed by ‘Heute hier, morgen dort.’ The translation goes: ‘today here, tomorrow there,’ about a man who travels and never complains because it’s his own choice. He doesn’t count the years. He knows that no one misses him and it doesn’t bother him. But if someone asks him why he’s so, he can’t answer this particular question because what was new yesterday is old today.
Two Nepalese dancers Raj Kumar Yonzon and Sushila Bhattrai performed a Tamang cello from the hills of Nepal’ to the song ‘Sano ma sano.’ The dance is a tete a tete in which a boy meets his childhood girl-friend after a long absence. He overwhelmed by her prettiness and tries to win her over and perhaps share a life together. However, the girl isn’t impressed by him.
In the intermission there were intercultural chats and chutneys, Nepalese cuisine comprising the traditional rice-linseed and hot, spicy, tasty vegetable sauces that you could wash down with masala tea—suitable for all palates.
After the intermission, pause in German, the Gesangverein ‘Frohsinn’ sanf two songs: ‘Abendruhe,’ a song composed by Wonfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), a moving song about the hard work during the day, and the evening his joy when the work ends. There are stars glittering in the evening sky and many heavy hearts on earth. A song of praise to the Creator who fills you with peace and serenity when the day’s done.
Kanon: This was followed by ‘Schön war die Zeit.’ The time was lovely. Now it has come to an end. We say: adieu. Auf wiedersehen.
समै रम्रो थिओ
अब समै आयोः
हामि भनौ फेरि भेटऔला
samai ramro bityo
aba samai ayo
hami bhanchhau-pheri bhetaula
Satis Shroff from ‘Frohsinn-Littenweiler’ sang ‘Yesterday.’
The FNA presented a last dance with dancers Samjhana Rijal, Roshani Ayer and Bimala Thakuri. He song was about a young girl in her puberty. She had seen a dream man when the sun had arisen. She’s deeply impressed by the attraction of the man.
Finally a song for everyone ‘Man Magan’ by Deepak Bajracharya that had everyone dancing on-stage in the Bürgersaal-Littenweiler. A beautiful evening came to an end with lots of namastes, which means ‘I Greet the Godliness in You.’
The concert was yesterday: 9th of November 2019 in the Bürgersaal- Littenweiler, and it was a great success and we all had a great time.
Everyone's dancing on the stage, even our Frohsinn choir conductress Ingrid Bacchetta is seen walking up the steps to dance. Thank you Ingrid for the piano accompaniment to my song. Grazie.

Dankeschön to all the participants and those who helped to organise it ( FNA eV and Frohsinn eV) and made it so successful. Dhanyavad. Grazie mille.
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