Autumnal Incision (Satis Shroff)

Satis Shroff is at Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
I recall the agony of a long surgical slit,
The excruciating pain that prevails
After the stitches,
Despite the medication.
The darkness and the void
Of a sterile room you’re confined in.
My mind is going through
The Vale of Darkness.
Ominous thoughts overwhelm me.
Was that all?
A life lived and now the quiet exit?
Pain and memory nestle in my neurons,
Alone with my thoughts
In my Kämmerlein.
Is my angst irrational?
What’s rational and irrational in pain?
The two seem to blur
Like consciousness and unconsciousness.
Weird and grim movie in my mind.
Ah, to sleep and awake no more,
Without as much as a groan;
Just bearing pain in the silence.
My soul was sighing in the darkness.
Rather make an exit,
Stiff, cold and fade away.
Words, my tools of thought,
Are becoming weak.
I wish not to return home.
My solace is: a life of songs, scribblings and lectures.
The schmerz therapy begins to work.
My will to live returns.
Four days later I’m walking outside the spital,
Noticing the golden, brown and russet leaves.
I discern the sparrows on the window sill,
Foraging for morsels to pick.,
And feel and see the glory of autumn.
The wind blows the leaves in the blue sky,
As they dance and languidly descend.
Schwarzwald landscapes like an epiphany.
A brown squirrel picks up a nut,
Almost unseen between the heap of leaves.
A mystic morning at the shimmering Waldsee,
With the mists rising slowly,
To reveal the silhouette of a white pavilion.
The trees mirrored on the lake:
A breath-taking sight.
I live to witness the sunset again,
The shadows falling on the meadows and wood
Of the hills in the distance.
Oh, to hear the cuckoo calling
In the deep Schwarzwald.
Gratefulness sweeps over me
For the bounty of Nature.
Kämmerlein: chamber
Angst: fear
Schmerz: pain
Schwarzwald: Black Forest
(c)satisshroff, all rights reserved
Waldsee, Freiburg#satisshroff


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