LITTLE BRITAIN: A Quick Divorce (Satis Shroff)


In the meantime statistics show that only 36 % of 18-24 year olds did go to the polls, whereas 64% didn't. Young Brits make the elderly people responsible for the Brexit mess, instead of doing a bit of soul searching themselves to look into matter. It's the young people who didn't bother to go to and vote against the Brexit.
Whether over 3 million signatures in the On-line Petetition will bring about an exit from Brexit remains to be seen. The PM's not in a hurry and he wants to Captain X to take over the ship in October 2016.This slowness on the part of the British government engages the EU leaders, especially Hollande, who would like to have the Brits out as possible.
Great to hear that over 3 million people in Britain have signed the EU Referendum on the UK's membership of the EU , but the EU leaders are behaving like 'beleidigte Leberwürste' and want Britain (PM Cameron) to decide as soon as possible to get Britain out of the EU now that the dice has fallen.
I trust and hope that the new awakening movement in Britain will gather momentum and the people really do something about bringing a change in Britain, lest it loose Ireland and Scotland to the EU according to the latest developments.
Even though Britain is democratic it has been caught by surprise because it slept. Awake Britain!
Chancellor Merkel, however, prefers be patient and wait till the British government files its Brexit before carrying out pre-Brexit discussions to get a better deal for Britain. Meanwhile, Britain has to exempt from taking part in the EU discussions on the Brexit. Farrange was clearly told that since he'd voted for Brexit he had no business of attending an EU gathering, and his very appearance was regarded as an affront.
Interior Minister Theresa may has good chances of as a successor of David Cameron. Although she voted against the Brexit,it is thought that she's competent to reaach a peaceful compromise with the rivals within the party. She'd be the first lady in 10 Downing Street after Margaret Thatcher (90), who stepped down in 1090. She's a hardliner with the opinion that the EU should be organising landing bases in North Africa for the refugees rather than take in more migrants and distributing them in other EU member countries.
Chancellor Merkel's open-door policy towards the refugees, especially from Syria, has scared the daylight out of the British population and they demanded a Brexit during a national Referendum. But the Captain wants to leave in October. The five EU (of the 27) leaders, especially France's Hollande desires the British exit to be done expediently. Britain has to appy for an eventual exit.British bureaucracy is holding things up.But Frau Merkel prefers to give the Brits time, and as we say in Germany: Tee trinken und abwarten. Drink Darjeeling tea and wait, after all we're not waiting for Godot, are we?
Ireland and Scotland want to remain in the EU. They'd rather leave England than the EU. Quo vadis, Little Britain?


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