Alas, Britain has Chosen to Leave (Satis Shroff)

British Captain to Resign in October 2016 (Satis Shroff)
O Captain! Our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won (Brexit),
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting..
—Walt Whitman
Alas, Britain has chosen to leave. The angst in Europe is: will the Netherlands and France follow suit? The bureaucrats of Brussels have something substantial to chew on.
In the meantime, the British PM David Cameron has emphasized that he doesn’t want to be the captain of the British ship and a new leader has to take over after October 2016. The fact is David Cameron’s luck has run out. He mentioned that he’d already spoken with Her majesty the Queen about his decision earlier in the morning. After the Brexit decision became known the British Pound plummeted to its lowest level. David Cameron was the PM for six years and Britain has decided to leave the EU after a membership period of 43 years. The withdrawal of Britain means the unraveling of all the existing acquisitions and advantages that Britain has acquired and has been enjoying all these years. Britain’s economy is fundamentally stable and the Brexit will leave no legal vacuum, and the will of the British people has to be respected was the tenor of the PM’s speech.
It was encouraging to hear ‘what doesn’t kill you makes your stronger,’ on the part of a bureaucrat from Brussels. The question is: will the EU become stronger not that Britain has said ‘adieu?’ Le Pen was quick to quip about France following suit with a similar referendum.
Quo vadis, Europa?
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