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Satis Shroff: Proud to be a Cosmopolitan German

Satis Shroff: Proud to be a Cosmopolitan German

My car is American, my wine is French, my salad is Mediterranean, my coffee is Brazilian. My films are from Hollywood, Bollywood, France and France, I drink Nepali tea from Ilam, and Darjeeling too. The shirt I wear is outsourced from Bangladesh, my electronics are from China, the numbers I used are Arabic, my letters Devnagari नेपाली देवनागरी  and Latin. I don’t complain that my neighbours are from Kappel, Brescia, Homs or Lagos. I watch German TV, love the Badische cuisine, read the Badische Zeitung, write poems about the lovely Schwarzwald, sing German songs with my croonies from the men’s choir in Kappel, deliver lectures in English and German to my German students, listen to Nepali folksongs on my MP3, communicate with my Mom and sisters in Nepali over what’s app. I’ve pulled myself together and have paid my taxes regularly. I’m well integrated in the German society and can’t think of a better social and physical environment. The land of thinkers and poets. Alas, also the land of rightists with a hoary past. Nevertheless, there are enough smiling faces and sympathetic souls in Germany. I’m proud to be a cosmopolitan German who thinks in three languages, three cultures and writes in three scripts. Thank you, Dankeschön, नमस्ते ! (namaste).
Paperback: 12,00€ (exkl. MwSt)
Gedruckt in 3–5 Werktagen
Through Nepalese Eyes
Themen der Geschichten und Gedichten sind u.a.: Kampf um Demokratie (My Nepal: Quo vadis?), Transition (Wenn die Seele sich verabschiedet), und die Stellung der Frau (Bombay Bordel, Nirmala: Zwischen Terror und Ekstase), die verführerische Bergwelt (Die Himalaya rufen, Die Sehnsucht der Himalaya), das Leben in der Fremde (Gibt es Hexen in Deutschland?), Soldatenleben und Krieg (Der Verlust einer Mutter, Die Agonie des Krieges, Kein letzte Sieg), Tod nach Tollwut (Fatale Entscheidung), Trennung und Emanzipation (Santa Fe), Migration und Fremdenhass (Mental Molotovs, Letzte Tram nach Littenweiler), Tourismus (Mein Alptraum, Die Götter sind weg), Alkoholismus (Der Professors Gattin), Gewalt (Krieg), Trennung (Die Stimme, Der Rosenkrieg), Nachbarn (Die Sommerhitze) und die Liebe (Der zerbrochene Dichter, Eine seufzende Prinzessin, Ohne Wörter), die Familie (Meine Maya), der Tod (An Carolin Walter, Wenn die Seele Abschied nimmt).
Preis: 12,10€ (exkl. MwSt)
Gedruckt in 3–5 Werktagen
Satis Shroff’s anthology is about a poet caught between upheavals in two countries, Nepal and Germany, where maoists and skin-heads are trying to undermine democratic values, religious and cultural life. Satis Shroff writes political poetry, in German and English, about the war in Nepal (My Nepal, Quo vadis?), the sad fate of the Nepalese people (My Nightmare, Only Sagarmatha Knows), the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany (Mental Molotovs, The Last Tram to Littenweiler) and love (The Broken Poet, Without Words, About You), women’s woes (Nirmala, Bombay Brothel). His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. In writing ‘home,’ he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West, and his task of writing is a very important one in political and social terms. His true gift is to invent Nepalese metaphors and make them accessible to the… Mehr >
Preis: 12,00€ (exkl. MwSt)
Gedruckt in 3–5 Werktagen
Themen der Geschichten und Gedichten sind u.a.: Kampf um Demokratie (My Nepal: Quo vadis?), Transition (Wenn die Seele sich verabschiedet), und die Stellung der Frau (Bombay Bordel, Nirmala: Zwischen Terror und Ekstase), die verführerische Bergwelt (Die Himalaya rufen, Die Sehnsucht der Himalaya), das Leben in der Fremde (Gibt es Hexen in Deutschland?), Soldatenleben und Krieg (Der Verlust einer Mutter, Die Agonie des Krieges, Kein letzte Sieg), Tod nach Tollwut (Fatale Entscheidung), Trennung und Emanzipation (Santa Fe), Migration und Fremdenhass (Mental Molotovs, Letzte Tram nach Littenweiler), Tourismus (Mein Alptraum, Die Götter sind weg), Alkoholismus (Der Professors Gattin), Gewalt (Krieg), Trennung (Die Stimme, Der Rosenkrieg), Nachbarn (Die Sommerhitze) und die Liebe (Der zerbrochene Dichter, Eine seufzende Prinzessin, Ohne Wörter), die Familie (Meine Maya), der Tod (An Carolin Walter, Wenn die Seele Abschied nimmt).


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About the Author: Satis Shroff

Matinee of the Dreisam Valley Choirs (Satis Shroff)