Commentary: German Elections & Swiss Deportation (Satis Shroff)


The language of the Greman Press was rather sharp as it commented the victory of the AfD party yesterday. 'The party has been able to catch the dissatisfied in their big net with slogans of hatred against foreigners, and was against a lof of issues: anti-Ausländer, anti-Islam, anti-Merkel, anti-everything.' wrote the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Spiegel online finds the victory of the rightist populists 'dangerous and a shame.' The commentators are of the opinioon that it was the inner political conflicts and bickerings within the CDU and SPD that led to this debacle at the elections.

Instead of pulling on the same rope, the CDU candidate Guido Wolf from Baden-Württemberg and Julia Klöckner from Rheinland Pfalz had vehemently protested against the refugee-politics of Chancellor Merkel.

The winners were not only the AfD (established in 2013) but also Maler Dreher (SPD) and,of course, Stuttgart's Winfried Kretschman (Green). The people have recognised both Dreher and Kretschman as politicians with stability and trust-worthiness, bease they kept to the course and didn't waver, even in difficult times.

It is interesting to note that Hans Michelbach, the vice-chairman of the CSU-group in the Bundestag, believes that the 'uncontrolled wave of refugees was responsible for the bad election results of the CDU.  According to him: 'the only logical consequence from the results is a conspicuous change of course in the refugee-politics.'

Whether Chancelor Merkel will listen to him is another matter. No never listened to the CSU chief from Bavaria either. This is a dynamic, iron lady with a determined mind and there's no stopping her. She has done her homework and even if the election pill is bitter she has to take it and swallow it. It is a fact that CDU has slid down towards the middle-left under Ms. Merkel, thereby creating a vacuum in the conservative area. This vacuum has been filled up by the AfD. The rightist populist potential of of the protesting people against the government's refugee politics is increasing in strength tremendously. A greater part of the population has turned away from the politics of the established parties: CDU, Green and SPD. In east Germany the former vacuum left by the hated Stasi has been filled up by the rightist minds. The AfD has been able to mobilise the frustrated voters in the East and West.

Meanwhile, 800-900 Freiburger took part in a demonstration starting from the Johannes church to the Kaiser-Joseph strasse. The demonstrators were against the deportation of refugees and demanded humanitarian refugee-politics from the government and distributed pamphlets  with the caption 'Anti-Refugee-Coalition. They also demonstrated against the rightist streams in Germanny. Some of the slogans were: Nationalismus is keine Alternative. Nieder mit der Festung Europa. Für Grenzenlose Menschenrechte, Stoppt Abschiebung.

A ticker from Breisach, near Freiburg, says three persons were arrested by the police. The three wore masks and wre reported to have cursed the police. The Breisacher Town Council had declared the AfD politician Frauke Petry as an 'unwelcome person.' 800 people protested against the apparance of Frau Frauke Petry.

The Swiss have found out that it is cheaper to send refugees home via the EU-agency Frontex, and to this end Bern has sent directives to its cantons to send asylum-seekers, who have been refused asylum in Switzerland, to collect them and send them by plane under the care of Frontex. Formerly, special flights were organised to Nigeria at a cost of 14,000 Swiss franks. Frontex does it for 3,000 Swiss franks. Till now, 111 persons have been deported this way.


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