Summer Concert: Carmina Burana in Stegen (Satis Shroff)

I had the pleasure of singing Carl Orff's Carmina Burana at the Kolleg San Sebastian (Stegan) with a Project Choir on 21st of July 2015. It was great to be there and sing with parents, teachers,music students.
The music was of a high quality and the participants were all dressed in black and white (Abendgarderobe,eh?). Before it commenced, there was excitement in the air. Elderly and young were sitting, clapping hands, carrying out animated conversations, some were going in and out, till 7pm. Then coloured lights flashed on the stage, followed by an Asian gong. There was a deep silence. 

 The atmosphere was real good and the audience was very appreciative. The programme was rather long and divided into two parts.

Part I: The first part was sung by classes 6a, 6b, 6c and 6d and comprised:

Sound the trumpet (Henry Purcell). A lovely song in English.
'Das klinget so herrlich' from the Magic Flute (W.A.Mozart).

'Abend treten Elcke aus den Dünen' (Satz: Peter Hammersteen) A slow song, sung with feeling.
'Finster, Finster' (oral rendering): Huh wie! A scary number.
Fußball (Sprechkanon: H Benker) An amusing song about dribbling, shooting, upsides, wrong passes, shooting a goal, rejoicing 1:0, left wing, right wing and foul! The audience loved it, after all soccer is ubiquitous.

The main music-class 8 came up with two duets:
Zajata, the Prisoner (Antonin Dvorak)
Prsten, the Ring.

Then came the Mittel and Oberstufenchor with:
Irish Blessing (sung partly in German and in English: Bob Chilcott)
Born Again (Tore W. Aas). A good rendering that definitely delighted the audience.

Andante festivo (Jean Sibelius).
Skyfall (Arrangement Larry Mooore).
Cups, When I'm gone (bongo, clarinet,horns,drums: Arr. Johnnie Winson).
Firework (Arr. Michael Brown).  
Memories of Circus Renz ( with a lot of oomph: Arr. E. Grüner)
Solo: Lukas Bohnenstengel, Marimbaphone.
Lord of the Rings (Arr. Michael Story)
Solist: Thelonious Schairer-Penny)

Prelude op.23 No.5 (Sergej Rachmaninoff)

Part II: Carmina Burana (Carl Orff)

Fortuna Imperatic Mundi: Fortuna, the Ruler of the World
2. Fortune plango vulnera
Primo vera: Im Frühling (In Spring) 
3. Veris leta facies
4. Omnia sol temperat
5. Ecce gratum et optatum
Uf dem Anger
6. Tanz
7. Floret silva nobilis
8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir
9. Reie
Swaz hie gat umbe
In Taberna (in the tavern)
11. Estuans interius
12. In taberna quando sumus
1. O fortuna. The wheel of fate keeps turning without pity for anyone. Cry, alle ye, with me.

I'd like to thank Mrs. Konstanze Ruttloff for making Carmina Burana possible, for her pedagogic engagement and her fantastic ability to move the masses. A great music-teacher, indeed. 

The last song of the long evening was 'There's one more song' (Peter Hammersteen) which was very appropriate. 'There's one more song to say: Goodbye! Dear friends it's time to say: 'Goodbye!'

Did I hear that we'd be singing Bach next year?


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