Petition: Humanitarian Crisis in Nepal (Satis Shroff)

Petition: Humanitarian Crisis in Nepal

We, the undersigned , petition government of India under PM Modi:

-      -  to remove the 2-month long blockade along the India-Nepalese border.
-       - We demand that Delhi recognizes and respects the new Constitution of Nepal.
-       - We demand that India refrains from mixing in the internal affairs of Nepal in the lowland  Terai area (Madeshi Issue). India also backed out of the Tamil-issue in Sri Lanka and it is expected that Delhi should refrain from such political involvements in Nepal.
-     -   We demand that Delhi recognizes Nepal’s sovereignty as an independent nation, and should be respected. Nepal is not comparable to India’s military protectorate Bhutan. Nepal stands is a landlocked country but has always stood on its own feet and was never colonialised.
-       - We emphasize that India should continue the formerly existing good cultural and economic  relations and not exert power-play as a regional superpower and make its military and political clout felt in the region. Both India and Nepal were Hindu nations at the beginning and both have chosen to be secular, which is a good thing.  
Because of the Indian blockade, Nepal’s people are suffering a lot due to lack of fuel: transportation has come to a standstill, people who want to return home to Nepal cannot do so because the buses and planes are grounded.The social services and ngos activities have been disrupted, hospitals are running out of medication, and according to unicef 1,6 million Nepalese children cannot go to school due to transport difficulties caused by the blockade.  Nepal is a country which had to suffer from the tectonically caused earthquake where thousands were injured, died and became homeless and the Indian government must take all these factors into consideration, and remove the blockade immediately.

                                                                                 ---Satis Shroff


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