Himalayan Micropoems (Satis Shroff)लो
 Lights flicker in Mahabharat mountains
The air smells of rhododendrons
The splendour of the Himalayas.

* * *
I stay in my tent
Dream of cherry blossoms
And a blonde in kimono.

* * *
The fishtailed one appears
Gleaming in silvery moonshine
Mirrored on placid Phewa lake.
* * *
Winter is here
The magic of snowy landscape
Out with the snowboots.
* * *
Snowflakes falling from Heaven
Frau Holle is dusting blankets
Gott sei Dank my heater works
* * *
Clouds waltz in the sky
Men are out to conquer
The holy Himalayan peaks.
* * *
Sudden monsoon rain
Soaks the mountainside
A landslide causes screams of agony.
* * *
Baptism of monsoon
A landslide washed the road away
Groping and cursing uphill as a child.
* * *
The large ice chunks leap
Crash upon the fragile tents
The base camp's a crevice.

* * *

snow-covered mountains with white clouds during daytime
Snow in my tent
Tremor in my heart
* * *
It's April
The air is getting thinner
Avalanche growls.
* * *
The Alsatian's muzzle
Sniffs and buries deep
A hand is uncovered.
* * *
The black cat prowls at night
A long day of napping
Lied ahead in Namchebazaar.
* * *
Beneath my tree's canopy
I sit and sip
My cuppa Darjeeling
* * *

घर्मा बशी कबिता लेखे
कालो चारले मधुर गित गयो
मेरो कलम खस्यो:
स्वर्गको गित झै
* * *
I sit at home and pen a poem,
A blackbird sings a soft song
My pen drops:
 A heavenly song

·        * *
·         *कुनै कुरो सदाको निम्ति होइन​,
मया, क्रोद्, गरिबि धन्हरुः
सबै यो सन्स स्क्र्को सन्सार्को माया हो।
तिमि केहिबिना स्वर्गबस हुन्छौ।
लने लन्छौ थुपरेको सम्झनाहरु मत्र
* * *
Nothing is everlasting
Love, hatred, poverty, prosperity
Are all worldly illusions.
You come with nothing,
You leave with nothing:
Except for the memories
You've gathered in this world.
·        * * *---- * *
·        * * *April, April,
·        It knows not what it wants.
·        Short summer showers, 
The sun laughs again.

     Lights flicker in Mahabharat mountains
The air smells of rhododendrons
The splendour of the Himalayas.
* * *
I stay in my tent
Dream of cherry blossoms
And a blonde in kimono.
* * *
The fishtailed one appears
Gleaming in silvery moonshine
Mirrored on placid Phewa lake.
* * *
Winter is here
The magic of snowy landscape
Out with the snowboots.
* * *
Snowflakes falling from Heaven
Frau Holle is dusting blankets
Gott sei Dank my heater works
* * *
Clouds waltz in the sky
Men are out to conquer
The holy Himalayan peaks.
* * *
Sudden monsoon rain
Soaks the mountainside
A landslide causes screams of agony.
* * *
Baptism of monsoon
A landslide washed the road away
Groping and cursing uphill as a child.
* * *
The large ice chunks leap
Crash upon the fragile tents
The base camp's a crevice.
* * *
Snow in my tent
Tremor in my heart
* * *
It's April
The air is getting thinner
Avalanche growls.
* * *
The Alsatian's muzzle
Sniffs and buries deep
A hand is uncovered.
* * *
The black cat prowls at night
A long day of napping
Lied ahead in Namchebazaar.
* * *
Beneath my tree's canopy
I sit and sip
My cuppa Darjeeling


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About the Author: Satis Shroff