Zeitgeist: WHAT'S UP SAXONY? (Satis Shroff)

What’s up Saxony? (Satis Shroff)

Saxony’s chief politician Michael Kretschmer (CDU) has demanded that the rightist extremists have to be fought. In a governmental explanation, he expressed the opinion that the rightist extremists are the biggest danger to our democracy. Chemnitz has been in the news lately. The fight against rightists has to be carried out from the middle of the German society.
Kretschmer also said that the rightist extremism is not only Saxony’s problem and that it is time to take action in the whole of Germany. Furthermore, he warned the people and politicians not to be so arrogant towards the people of the new federal states (Bundesländer).
Can you lie openly to create peace? He saw no mobs in Chemnitz, no chasing of foreigners, no hatred slogan. He's giving the neos and other racists a clean slate in front of the cameras. Kretschmer was talking through his hat. Glad that the incidents in Chemnitz have been recorded in videos. The racists were clearly to be seen with all that goes in such a scenario. But Chemnitz isn't all brown.
In the festival organised against racism and hatred, after the neonazi march ad agitation, more than 60, 000 democratic thinking attended from all over Germany in solidarity. Thank you, the progressive, creative and humanitarian people of Chemnitz. It was a great gesture and we all appreciate it and are proud of you. You have shown to the world that you exist. Weiter so. Democracy has to be defended every time a neonazi rears his or her ugly head. And to the journalists, thank you for the objective coverage in Chemnitz at the risk of your lives. It became clear that the brown masses were only out to instrumentalize the death of a citizen with their neonazi mantras that they kept on repeating en mass.
The following days showed that there is another Chemnitz. A Chemnitz with civil courage, peaceful, with a feeling for togetherness. Thank you Chemnitz.
In his speech, he gave blame to the political party AfD (Alternative for Germany) and said this party’s members are responsible for the split in Germany. On the other hand, Kretschmer mentioned that people shouldn’t draw wrong conclusions about Chemnitz for according to him, there was no mob to be seen, no chasing of foreigners in the streets of Chemnitz. Sounded like a blind man reporting a political crisis that he didn't register in any way. His senses must have abandoned him for a short while or he was trying to save his skim against the skins and neos in the streets. This was aimed at journalists who showed live videos of foreigners being chased by Germans who took part in a funeral march of a 35 year old man who was killed. The rightist German were to be seen in the background holding Germany’s flags and suggesting a them-and-us attitude towards foreigners in Chemnitz conjouring images of the days in Hoyerswerda and Mölln, where foreigners’ apartments were set to fire.
After the rightist march, more demonstrations and marches were organised by the rightists. However, it must be mentioned that there are honest and upright Germans who also took part in anti-rightist demonstrations which outnumbered the rightists in a show of democracy, strength, civil courage and solidarity for the underdogs of the German society. Two men, allegedly from Syrian and Iraq, have been arrested in connection with the death of the 35 year old man.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel demented the criticism on the part of the AfD-party regarding her statements and those of Steffen Seibert on the incidents in Chemnitz. She said in Berlin that her reaction is that ‘we have seen pictures that show clearly the hatred and persecution of innocent people.’ She said further: ‘We have to distance ourselves from them. That’s exactly what Mr. Seibert did, that’s what I do and have already done.’
And herewith everything is said.
It might be mentioned that the junior chief of the Alternative for Germany party Jörg Meuthen demanded an apology from Merkel and that she should fire Seibert. The background to this story was the statements by the two politicians on the Chemnitz incidents.
To date, only one politician Franziska Giffey (SPD) visited Chemnitz in Saxony (Sachsen) and demanded a law to protect democracy. Chancellor Merkel is expected to visit Chemnitz to pacify the people of Saxony.
Thank you diffusmagazin for the video


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