Poet, Humanist, Singer: Satis Shroff (Germany)

Poet, humanist, singer, artist Satis Shroff (Germany)
(Courtesy: Dr. Epitacio Tongohan, Pentasi B World Friendship Poetry)
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling
Epitacio Tongohan to PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry
with big BIG warm hugs…
World Featured Poet 2016
(Y) ❤ (Y)
Our dear friendb8606-sdc19101
Our fellow poet
Our brother

ღ ॐ ☥☼☪☸✡★¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ + ◌ ∞ α
It’s Summer where moist southern winds prevail.
Your body, mind and spirit,
Are one with Nature.
The flowers bloom and cherries get ripe,
‘Kaphal pakyo, kaphal pakyo,’
Sings a a bird.
The day lengthens
And the clouds cannot hide the Surya.
Soon great clouds bring rain.
Indra gives his blessing:
A gift to many,
A curse for few.
The sun shines now
And the leaves sag.
The frogs dive in the pond,
The dragon fly hovers awhile.
There’s life and beauty in this transient world.
Summer brings enduring happiness
To one and all,
When trees blossom and bear fruit.
The paddy planting season is over
In the Vale of Catmandu.
The Newari jyapu farmers sing songs
And rejoice.
The sun fills our lives with light,
Positive thoughts prevail.
The wonderful scent of the roses,
Butterflies dancing over Himalayan orchids.
Your fingers touch and feel
The silkiness of the rose petals.
People sing in praise of the cow for eight days.
The holy cows of Catmandu wear garlands.
The prayer wheel turns unceasingly,
O cry with me.
Chilly Autumn arrives soon enough,
The summer flowers,
Those dear friends have gone.
Asters and chrysanthemums still greet us.
People celebrate the festival of lights,
In honour of Goddess Lakshmi.
Even the common crow is worshipped this day.
For the crow is the messenger of Death,
To the Hindus: Yamadoot.
Another day the dog is garlanded and revered,
For he is Bhairab’s steed.
The third day of Tihar belongs to the cow,
The reincarnation of Lakshmi.
If you beat a cow you might be punished
With a life in poverty.
The fruits are ripe now,
Waiting to be harvested.
The sun’s rays become mellow.
The leaves turn golden, russet, brown.
The paths are strewn with dead leaves.
We reflect about our own lives.
The dying leaves,
A metaphor of your short existence,
On this beautiful earth.
With splendor of Summer gone,
We become thoughtful and melancholic.
What has fate in store for us?
In this epoch of Kali Yuga,
Wealth has become the personification
Of success and career.
If the Gurkha survives he comes home,
With presents for his family.
Others remain cremated in foreign lands.
Nothing endures in the cycle of life.
We come, grow up, live our lives
And go.
Thereby making place for others.
Akin to the sunflower that ripens,
Provides shade and seeds,
Follows the whims of the sun,
And wilts.
Even green leaves die.
The wheel of life waits for no one,
O, cry with me.
The sky is sunless,
The tree branches look like emaciated humans,
Hands reaching for the sky,
In poses of suspended animation.
The nights are cold and dark,
All seems lifeless, dead, buried,
Beneath the white snow.
No bird sings.
Misty mountains veiled,
With dampness everywhere.
The cold makes the people remain indoors.
Winter means respite,
A time for solitude and contemplation.
Read books, watch DVDs, tell tales,
Time for Kaffeekranz elsewhere,
With the family or friends.

Hush, life is merely asleep outside.
Come Spring and life blooms,
In the meadows, in the woods and gardens.
Worms start tilling the earth.
Even in the cold and darkness of winter,
There are faint signs of life,
In the microcosmos off the beaten path.
Prakriti is regenerating,
Despite the onslaught of the elements:
Snow, wind and rain.
Nature survives and we gather hope.
The old Tibetan wheel turns eternally,
O rejoice with me.
© 2015, satisshroff, all rights reserved
COVER Author satisshroff (c) catmandu
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Satis Shroff is a lecturer, poet, singer (mgv-kappel) and author based in Freiburg (poems, fiction, non-fiction) who also writes on ecological, ethno-medical, culture-ethnological themes. He has studied Zoology and Botany in Nepal, Medicine and Social Sciences in Freiburg (Germany) and Creative Writing in Freiburg and Manchester (UK). He describes himself as a mediator between western and eastern cultures and sees his future as a writer and poet.
Since literature is one of the most important means of cross-cultural learning, Satis is dedicated to promoting and creating awareness for Creative Writing and trans-cultural togetherness in his writings, and in preserving an attitude of Miteinander in this world. He lectures in Basle (Switzerland) and in Germany at the Akademie für medizinische Berufe (University Klinikum Freiburg) and the VHS-Freiburg. Satis Shroff was awarded the German Academic Exchange Prize and also the Kulturpreis of Green City Freiburg for his social engagement for the refugees and asylum seekers. He was nominated for German Engagement Prize 2011 Berlin by Green City Freiburg. He is the Director of Writers Capital International Foundation (Germany).
Satis Shroff has written two language books on the Nepali language in German for DSE (Deutsche Stiftung für Entwicklungsdienst) & Horlemannverlag. He is a contributing author on Boloji.com. He has written feature articles in the Munich-based Nelles Verlag’s ‘Nepal’ on the Himalayan Kingdom’s Gurkhas, sacred mountains and Nepalese symbols, and on Hinduism in ‘Nepal: Myths & Realities (Book Faith India) and his poem ‘Mental Molotovs’ was published in epd-Entwicklungsdienst (Frankfurt). Much of his profound writings are available in the internet
ღ ॐ ☥☼☪☸✡★¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ + ◌ ∞ α

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hat others have said about the author:
„Die Schilderungen von Satis Shroff in ‘Through Nepalese Eyes’ sind faszinierend und geben uns die Möglichkeit, unsere Welt mit neuen Augen zu sehen.“ (Alice Grünfelder von Unionsverlag / Limmat Verlag, Zürich).
COVER Author satisshroff (c) catmandu
Satis Shroff  writes with intelligence, wit and grace. (Bruce Dobler, Associate Professor in Creative Writing MFA, University of Iowa).
‘Satis Shroff writes political poetry, about the war in Nepal, the sad fate of the Nepalese people, the emergence of neo-fascism in Germany. His bicultural perspective makes his poems rich, full of awe and at the same time heartbreakingly sad. I writing ‘home,’ he not only returns to his country of origin time and again, he also carries the fate of his people to readers in the West, and his task of writing thus is also a very important one in political terms. His true gift is to invent Nepalese metaphors and make them accessible to the West through his poetry.’ (Sandra Sigel, Writer, Germany).
product_thumbnailKatmandu, Katmandu - Kopie1484929357890.jpg
Brilliant, I enjoyed your poems thoroughly. I can hear the underlying German and Nepali thoughts within your English language. The strictness of the German form mixed with the vividness of your Nepalese mother tongue. An interesting mix. Nepal is a jewel on the Earth’s surface, her majesty and charm should be protected, and yet exposed with dignity through words. You do your country justice and I find your bicultural understanding so unique and a marvel to read.’ Reviewed by Heide Poudel in WritersDen.com 6/4/2007.
‘The manner in which Satis Shroff writes takes the reader right along with him. Extremely vivid and just enough and the irony of the music. Beautiful prosaic thought and astounding writing. 
“Satis Shroff’s writing is refined – pure undistilled.” (Susan Marie, www.Gather.com)

ROULA POLLARD (GREECE) ON FB: Satis Shrofff: the personification of Goodness, Enlightenment and Kindness in Poetry and literature in many and contemporary ways. Multi talented in various literary and academic, humanitarian and environmental fields, he is blessed and honored by many prizes of international reputation. Satis proves that a poet, writer and academic in our days is foremost a humanist and environmentalist! Nepal, his country of origin is a land proud for him. Much admiration and best wishes for more Blessings! ~~photo: sea daffodils

I can see your brilliant and profoundness clothed in your humility Sir! And I do appreciate your unique intelligence in this matter- thank you. (RUDI SEEBRAN ON FB)

‘Brilliant, I enjoyed your poems thoroughly. I can hear the underlying German and Nepali thoughts within your English language. The strictness of the German form mixed with the vividness of your Nepalese mother tongue. An interesting mix. Nepal is a jewel on the Earth’s surface, her majesty and charm should be protected, and yet exposed with dignity through words. You do your country justice and I find your bicultural understanding so unique and a marvel to read.’



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About the Author: Satis Shroff