Men's Choir: What Does the Dream Mean? (Satis Shroff)


What does the dream mean,
Dearest, are you dead?
Singing on a Saturday afternoon,
From Minnelied to Oh, Happy Day,
A La-Le-Lu lullaby and Havenu shalom,
To Ich hab heute Nacht geträumt.  

Germans from different walks of life
Come together to sing.
Some are from Freiburg,
Others from elsewhere.
What unites them in the choir
Are songs of peace, love,
Dreams from the Middle Ages and New York.

From the window of the singing room,
You see green trees and lush meadows.
A few birds chirp merrily from the foliage,
Listen to the men’s choir.
Some songs are sung softly,
Some songs loudly.
There’s melody and rhythm,
Bass and tenor voices mingle with the piano.
Sometimes it doesn’t sound like one voice.

The blonde conductress from St. Peter,
Ceases to play on her black and white keys,
To explain how the lyrics should sound.
Where to take a deep breath
And where to modulate the voice.
‘Sweet rose coloured mouth
Come and make me healthy again.’
Was soll der Traum bedeuten?
Herzliebste bist Du tot?

After the singing the throats become dry.
Off to the local pub to sing a last time:
‘Raise your glasses,
Singers should be friends.’
Knowing well that health and hope
Go the way of love.

* * *


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About the Author: Satis Shroff

Matinee of the Dreisam Valley Choirs (Satis Shroff)