Welcome Satis Shroff, Director, Writers Capital International ...

Welcome Satis Shroff, Director, Writers Capital International ...

2 mins ago - Welcome Satis Shroff, Director, Writers Capital International Foundation, Germany | Writers' Capital International Foundation
Bouquets after a Reading/Lesung in Freiburg-Kappel (kkv-kappel.de)

With a royal ADC with Satis Shroff at La Redoute, Bonn, during the royal state visit)
(German President Richard von Weizsäcker, Marianne Wizsäcker, Queen Aishwarya & King Birendra of Nepal at the reception in La Redoute, Bonn)
Satis Shroff's writings
A travelogue by the author
(Goethe's poem translated by Satis Shroff for the City of Ilmenau)
Satis Shroff sings the 2nd tenor at the men's choir (mgv-kappel.de)
(Satis Shroff (mgv-kappel.de), Freiburger Nepalese Association and KKV-Kappel.de organised an Benefizkonzert (charity concert) with Nepalese songs and dances for the children of Nepal 2016)
Namaste Nepal article in Kappel Aktuell
Satis Shroff nominated for the German Engagement Prize
Satis Shroff receives the DAAD-Preis (German Academic Exchange Prize) for his academic performance & social engagement

Satis Shroff interviewed by Anja Bochtler, Badische Zeitung, Freiburg.


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Matinee of the Dreisam Valley Choirs (Satis Shroff)