Zeitgeistlyrik: STOLPERSTEINE (Satis Shroff)


(Stolpersteine (brass) with names of Jews killed in Auschwitz)

STOLPERSTEIN (Satis Shroff)  
On the night of the Reichsprogrom 1938,
She went by bicycle in the dark of the night,
But a colleague betrayed her.
The Nazis arrested her in March 1943.
Prison and concentration camp Ravensbrück.

The KZ was Hell.
They had to suffer the worst of  sadism
And gruesome torture every day.
A stolperstein in the cobbled streets of Freiburg
Reminds you of this day.  
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(A Jewish mother and her child at Gurs, France)

CAMP DE GURS (Satis Shroff)
Freiburg remembers
The deportation of Jews,
On October 22, 1940.
The destination was Gurs in Frnce.

6,500 Freiburger and other Jews sent to Gurs.
No one protested, no one said a word.
We have learned from history.
Welcome war-refugees from Syria.

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(Green City Freiburg remembers its past (c)satisshroff)

The solitude of the grave,
Is not to be disturbed,
In the Jewish graveyard.
800 graves with Yiddish inscriptions,
Lie in Freiburg.
The culture that was lost
In the holocaust,
Is preserved in gravestones,
In the good place Freiburg.

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Over a million Jews died,
And so did the culture.
The theory of Jews,
As murderers of God,
Humans of second rank,
Was widespread.
Jews became objects of darkness and evil,
That could be projected in one’s own self.

In the Night of the Progrom,
The churches remained dark.
Christians lost their voice,
And forgot to protect
Their fellow citizens.

Could Christians sing halleluyah
In churches after Ausschwitz?
We remember today,
We give history a future.
There is no freedom
Without memory.
 Let us remember history,
Before we burn asylum homes.
Let us seek peaceful solutions
For political problems.
Let us pray for more
Tolerance, justice and respect,
For more dignity of humans,
And for those in need.

© 2015, satisshroff, all rights reserved

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