Zeitgeistlyrik: THE GOOD IN HUMANS (Satis Shroff)


Salez is not forgotten,
Another act of terror,
This time in a Swiss train.
Is it safe to travel,
To leave your flat?
Have we lost faith in humanity?
The answer is: no.
Most people are good,
It’s only a few, fanatic terrorists,
Ignored and ridiculed by society,
Isolated and turned psychotic.
In the last World Wars 65 million people
Lost their lives.
Alas, violence has always been with us,
Even in times of peace,
At homes and killing fields.
Shall we build walls of barbed wire again
And imprison ourselves?
We are the lovers of freedom,
And want to live our lives,
The way we’ve done
All these years.
Defying the invisible evil that surrounds us,
Trusting the good in humans,
For hope lingers with us.
* * *
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and one or more people


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